Got it free with my GPU, very glad I never (directly) paid as I'd be getting a refund about now.
Runs about 50-70fps on my rig (
@1080p), seems to drop while in the Batmobile, which handles terribly.
I've had to edit an ini file to unlock the fps from 30... shameful
I can't edit the overly sensitive to my taste mouse controls
Combat is simply mashing the left mouse button, Batman will gladly zoom 10m from enemy to enemy and there is no real weight to the combat for 90% of the moves.
I have recently been playing Crysis 3 & Shadow of Mordor but this game looks nothing special at all. The advanced smoke effects do look nice though.
In the graphics settings the textures only go Low-Normal. Is there seriously nothing higher than this or are they holding it back for a DLC? The menu's seem to push this as hard a possible.
I've uninstalled it already, maybe I'll check it out in the future.