Really out of the loop on this game. Is it not good then? I thought this was meant to be one of the years big releases, and where are the reviews!?
Really out of the loop on this game. Is it not good then? I thought this was meant to be one of the years big releases, and where are the reviews!?
What resolution you playing at, also what are the rest of your specs?
1080 res, i7 4790k, 16gb ram and a SSD. Haven't tried turning off xfire but I doubt that will make a difference.
1080 res, i7 4790k, 16gb ram and a SSD. Haven't tried turning off xfire but I doubt that will make a difference.
Hmm similar to me then.. Does not fill me with much confidence.
I have an i5 2500k @4.6
16GB of RAM
R9 290
And on an SSD too.
Will have to give it a test when I get home I guess.
Yeah I will do that once i get home.
I know AMD released a driver update so i am hoping that this helps.
I would be rather annoyed if my rig doesn't play it. I know its getting on a bit but it doesn't struggle with anything else i have tried on it.
Cdkeys replied saying Harley Quinn is included in the base game. I don't see it anywhere, anyone else or is it now actually available yet?
Have you update to the latest driver Wizzy?
Think I have found the problem, I closed Raptr and it works just fine. I presume its game recording function is causing an issue. I had the same problem with Wolfenstein.
^1440P/2160P version at 60fps should be available once it's fully processed.
Screens: Screenshot thread.