Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Really out of the loop on this game. Is it not good then? I thought this was meant to be one of the years big releases, and where are the reviews!?
The combat feels worse than SoM to me. Batman seems to float through the air and all the unnecessary commands (why isn't counter enough to avoid someone charging?) just complicates a fighting system that seems to have regressed since Asylum.

The freezes are annoying, as are the sound bugs where it goes silent for a couple of seconds for no reason and as already mentioned (by pretty much everyone) the Batmobile sections are pish. I've read you can alter the controls so you don't have to use X for brake and can use LT instead (like every other car game in existence) but I can't seem to alter my button set up.

I'd be livid if I'd have paid full price for this and not the (drastically) reduced CD Keys price.
1080 res, i7 4790k, 16gb ram and a SSD. Haven't tried turning off xfire but I doubt that will make a difference.

Hmm similar to me then.. Does not fill me with much confidence.

I have an i5 2500k @4.6
16GB of RAM
R9 290
And on an SSD too.

Will have to give it a test when I get home I guess.
Yeah I will do that once i get home.

I know AMD released a driver update so i am hoping that this helps.

I would be rather annoyed if my rig doesn't play it. I know its getting on a bit but it doesn't struggle with anything else i have tried on it.
Yeah I will do that once i get home.

I know AMD released a driver update so i am hoping that this helps.

I would be rather annoyed if my rig doesn't play it. I know its getting on a bit but it doesn't struggle with anything else i have tried on it.

My 290x runs fine at stock, so you shouldn't have a problem.
Hmm so even after the game downloaded again it still just crashes on a black screen when trying it start it.

Sometimes PC gaming is a royal pain!
A 970 not entirely enough to max a slightly dated looking UE3 title at 30fps... I can't escape the impression that devs these days are just taking the mick out of everyone and doing it on purpose to boost GPU sales:rolleyes:

Glad I don't preorder stuff and get it quite a long time after release (GTA V being a notable exception). Also, I swear I won't buy a higher-end GPU ever again unless devs start releasing games whose requirements are actually justified. I'm sitting on my 970 till I dies.
Cdkeys replied saying Harley Quinn is included in the base game. I don't see it anywhere, anyone else or is it now actually available yet?

I got the same reply, but then when i told them it is definitely not here they told me i'll get it eventually from the season pass :rolleyes:.

I knew these cd key sites were too good to be true. I guess you have to expect it when paying a lot less for the game, but i think i might just stick to legit sites in future.
CD Keys are very good in my experience and any shenanigans will be down to Warner being their usual selves, and nothing to do with the key sites.

Is such a shame to see a hobby I've had for over 30 years getting more toxic every year thanks to greedy publishers :(
Got it free with my GPU, very glad I never (directly) paid as I'd be getting a refund about now.

Runs about 50-70fps on my rig (@1080p), seems to drop while in the Batmobile, which handles terribly.

I've had to edit an ini file to unlock the fps from 30... shameful

I can't edit the overly sensitive to my taste mouse controls

Combat is simply mashing the left mouse button, Batman will gladly zoom 10m from enemy to enemy and there is no real weight to the combat for 90% of the moves.

I have recently been playing Crysis 3 & Shadow of Mordor but this game looks nothing special at all. The advanced smoke effects do look nice though.

In the graphics settings the textures only go Low-Normal. Is there seriously nothing higher than this or are they holding it back for a DLC? The menu's seem to push this as hard a possible.

I've uninstalled it already, maybe I'll check it out in the future.
^1440P/2160P version at 60fps should be available once it's fully processed.

Screens: Screenshot thread.

How'd you manage to record it? Folks reporting nothing works, not even fps monitoring software.

No Dxtory, fraps, afterburner, obs and so on.

Hell the game still won't even launch for me.

This is all see. Screen goes black, flashes and bam.

This is the first Batman game I've tried playing and I'm not impressed.
Folks even reporting the new NVIDIA driver doesn't have an SLI profile either.

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