Confirmed as a closed alpha tester!
You allowed to Stream it? I wanna see the gameplay but hell no was I going to back it.
Confirmed as a closed alpha tester!
You allowed to Stream it? I wanna see the gameplay but hell no was I going to back it.
Gay - can you share feedback from it or is that also in the NDA?
new video on this £10.99 great price hopefully its good
Tried to play the last alpha. 3 hours of 'disconnected from host', 'server full' and 'server restarting'.
They were testing out match making and adopted a ready check like LoL. I'm sure because the queues were so long the vast majority of ready checks were failing. 10/15 minutes waiting for it to pop and then only 7 would accept.
Then if you managed to get all 10 to accept but the server was borked you had to completely restart game before it would let you sign up again.
Was disappointing