Battalion 1944 (ww2 game )

wow that price is pretty good I was expecting it to be allot more.

I will probably still wait a week or 2 to see how things go after the Days of war fiasco.
As someone from a CS background. Will I enjoy this? Seeing a couple of videos and it looks like there is absolutely zero recoil on all the weapons and no penalty to aiming accuracy when jumping or running.
Very different games, it depends what you are after really - personally, I'll be getting both :D (along with Post Scriptum)

Same here mate, cant wait and will be getting all 3. Out of all the games this one I am least looking forward to. I am pretty miffed at backing this game at £35 and now the ******* are releasing it at £11:99.... great! Nothing like a kick in the teeth. :/
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Same here mate, cant wait and will be getting all 3. Out of all the games this one I am least looking forward to. I am pretty miffed at backing this game at £35 and now the ******* are releasing it at £11:99.... great! Nothing like a kick in the teeth. :/
just bought this at 10% off for £10.25 oh dear...
You know what bugs me the most!!! God Dam people that leave a bad review for a new title that has online server issues on day one!!!
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