Battalion 1944 (ww2 game )

I mean I saw it for just over £10 and wondered if it was worth getting?

Not overly impressed with it so far

Played an hour (according to Steam) and only managed to get 1 single match to successfully start, the rest of time has been spent waiting for 1 more player before everyone gives up and leaves to try again.

Sprinting feels slow also it feels like you're sliding around the map on ice or wheels instead of actually walking, it just feels off
Automatic weapons don't have the best hit detection or their damage is off, certainly don't feel like CoD2
Rifles are good though with 1 hit kill and feel right
You can jump but it's a really lame jump certainly can't see any jumping skills possible like in original CoDs
Graphics are ok I guess, nothing amazing
Unranked is 5v5 Search and Destroy, boring when you have to wait ages to get a game but I was never really a fan of S&D anyway so I'm a little biased on negativity with this, Arcade offers CTF though so I'll give that a go
Lean left & right feel more like you're stepping to the left/right instead of leaning but I think it's more a camera issue as watching others leans the animation looks how you would expect

Maybe I'm looking back at my thousands of hours in both vCoD and CoD2 with rose tinted specs but it doesn't feel anything like them, map design on the 1 map I played felt weak too, really narrow corridor map with relatively little open space and while the houses are modelled as 2 story, there's no stairs to go up to the 2nd story all feels a little claustrophobic really

It's early access though so hopefully things will change
Is there anyway to use my existing beta game folder to cut down the 7.1gb dload for the full game?
Suffolk internet.....
no don't think so. Match making is so flakey! servers never fill enough to start, very nice shooting though, hopefully all fixed this weekend
Claimed a refund. As everyone says has a lot of potential and I enjoyed my time playing but with most of my games only attracting 4-6 people who then quit because its only 2v2 or 3v2 isn't very appealing.

Only an average EU player base of about 1500-2000 at peak with the rest in America.

Will certainly revisit this later on in the year I hope it can do well!
Sounds like RO2 at launch. It was rushed out presumably because they were running out of money when it clearly needed another 12 months.

Anyhow bought it with the add on pack even if its to give them more money. I think they have been under pressure to release it to get some cash flow, they talk a good game but then i've seen and heard it all before.
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