Battalion 1944 (ww2 game )

The problem is people expectations are warped. It's a small team in an office making the game - it's pretty much a mod. The gfx are a bit iffy, movement odd, interface is rubbish, but the over all feel of the gameplay is the closest ive seen since cod4. Even the nade spam at the start - missed this. Also missed the bunny hopping that some people seem to think ruins it.

So they should advertise it as a **** game and not something it 'may or may not' be :D

If someone wants to slate it, let them, if you like it, why should it be a problem for you?

They have my 10 quid, if it was more id have refunded, but for a tenner ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
How do you report cheaters in this? Or is there no system in place?

Had a game with one lad going 98-0 in TDM... now he may have been good, but he just bounced around the map nailing everyone as they spawned :D
Game needs tightening up a bit.

Im old, ive not played FPS like this in years, yet im able to put up solid scores, without using ironsights and jumping around like a tit.

I dont think there is loads of skill required as it is, of course you need some FPS knowledge and understanding of the maps... but i dont think there is such a huge discrepancy right now.

Of course there are some great players, but if someone like me, who messes around using a laptop to play, no sound and just bounces about, can get a decent score, there is a problem with it.
the difference is who your playing against isnt it.that goes for any fps title.if you playing public it is pretty easy unless you go on a server with either a group of decent players stacked on opposite team or some pro nabs join. comp gaming is always totally different to normal public.

games fine just wants some tweaks.
the difference is who your playing against isnt it.that goes for any fps title.if you playing public it is pretty easy unless you go on a server with either a group of decent players stacked on opposite team or some pro nabs join. comp gaming is always totally different to normal public.

games fine just wants some tweaks.

Im just playing the mode the game allows, didnt realise there was a Pros only mode. How do you access that mode?

Actually there isnt yet, is there? And the fact is ill be playing with and against these so called 'Pros' on occasions.

There is a very small learning curve to it. Once you know the maps and spawns, you can pretty much be alright even if you arent a great FPS player.

Just my opinion from my playtime.
there is competitive very shortly.thats why you rank up in public arcade and unranked.once you get to level 10 when its added you can then go play competitive.

public servers are easy.its just like any other fps title in that regards.any medium skilled people will win most games pretty easy.the difference is when you playing in games where everyone else is med plus or high then obviously it isnt easy as your skill level will be the lowest in the you either have to play very well the whole game to finish level par or out your skin to win.that is the difference.

there are pros playing it but you probably havent played against any yet.there was some pro tournes last night. you may think there is a small learning curve which is pretty true for public arcade play.once you in higher ranked or competitive play see how far that gets you :p

you could be a great player in general for all i know but saying there is little to learn kinda points to the other.

you need to know the map layouts.
you need to know the key points of attack.
nade spots.
jump spots.
best routes to and from objectives.
which are best guns and how they work best.

you havent figured that out in one week.

leave this till late then we will see in ranked play.
I play without sound on a laptop whilst watching the TV. Being able to do well against all the scrubs as you state must just be luck.

Personally i care very little for pro esports but is be surprised if this as it is now... comes anywhere close.
I play without sound on a laptop whilst watching the TV. Being able to do well against all the scrubs as you state must just be luck.

Personally i care very little for pro esports but is be surprised if this as it is now... comes anywhere close.

When ranked play comes in and you matched with equal skilled players you find it much harder to be successful without audio. Good players will make less noise making it very hard to know where they coming from. Even more harder if you last player alive or 1 v 1
When ranked play comes in and you matched with equal skilled players you find it much harder to be successful without audio. Good players will make less noise making it very hard to know where they coming from. Even more harder if you last player alive or 1 v 1

I dont care much about sound, id still just bounce around and take my chances :D

Im not a pro, will never be a pro, dont ever want to be a pro. I just like to enjoy games and think if ive done something well, its been down to me. For this, jumping halfway across the map and spraying a gun picking up kills, isnt down to me, its down to poor game mechanics.
Waste of £35. HATE the game being played as you are supposed to play it as the bunny hopping has ruined it for me. At least there are servers that state no bunny hopping and the play is mediocre at best on them. Shame as the initial videos on KS looked quite good. :/

Just look at the Kickstarter video... not a bunny hopping tard in sight! Its because of that video I backed it.
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its odd you dont like it especially when you look at your name :p

if you were in from the start you maybe did watch the devs playing cod 2 every day getting it similar.if you knew cod 2 was like on pc then you would know that strafing corners is normal.its simple to combat you will hear them coming if they going to do it and adjust aim to the air and where they land. they will make noise because they will have to run to strafe.the sound is very good and you can hear the footsteps from miles away.

many people dont like strafing because the player is either used to camping the corner knowing someone will come which is pretty lame.also easy to predict you the attacker will strafe jump and preshoot your camping spot.standard practice.the other main reason is bad aiming.normally the same corner you are waiting in ambush to kill attacker.he walks round you drill them straight down. so this time attacker jumps round corner bad players dont adjust aim and they kill you.

this game was never meant to be like arma or realistic. it was made to honour the oldskool ww2 fps titles that many of us played. strafe jumping was always in them.its part of the gameplay.

as you say im sure there will be servers with no bunny hopping listed in the title (even though its strafe jumping !!!!!! :mad: :D why people cant just understand its not bunny hopping is beyond me :p ) but those very servers will often be run by the old trust power admin that if you kill him one too many times you instantly kicked.:D seen it for many years.on old cod games.they set up their servers just so they think the rules will suit them and because they bad players in normal games and cant aim any player that beats them is gone ! :p
Waste of £35. HATE the game being played as you are supposed to play it as the bunny hopping has ruined it for me. At least there are servers that state no bunny hopping and the play is mediocre at best on them. Shame as the initial videos on KS looked quite good. :/

Just look at the Kickstarter video... not a bunny hopping tard in sight! Its because of that video I backed it.

How did you burn 35 quid on this?

I got it for 10 quid on CDKeys, just about right not to feel raped... though its on the cusp.
I'm kind of liking it at the moment - getting some rather nifty kills as well as raging when continuously getting one-shotted by the kar98! I've never been a fan of the'bunny hopping' but hey, it's part of the game. I'm sure some of those jump strafers think the same after being taken down multiple times by camping snipers (which is also part of the game).
Waste of £35. HATE the game being played as you are supposed to play it as the bunny hopping has ruined it for me. At least there are servers that state no bunny hopping and the play is mediocre at best on them. Shame as the initial videos on KS looked quite good. :/

Just look at the Kickstarter video... not a bunny hopping tard in sight! Its because of that video I backed it.

The lesson here is to avoid pre-ordering and only pay when you can play. Sucks for you! :rolleyes:
How did you burn 35 quid on this?

I got it for 10 quid on CDKeys, just about right not to feel raped... though its on the cusp.

I got pulled into the video on Kickstarter as it looked really good. Felt like I got kicked in the nuts when they decided not long before release they would sell it for what they are now. Really ****** off I can tell you. :(
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