Battalion 1944 (ww2 game )

Played with a COD2 Pro earlier. He was alright actually, he was sat in his Ferrari playing the game, revving his engine now and then.

Apparently the Man City owners are so impressed that they are tempted to bin off the club and chase the HUGE FIVE FIGURE dreams of the COD2 Pros.

Hahaha did anyone see the Twitter rage at Google only to delete half the Twitter comments after. Guy is as bad as lawbreakers. Sinking ship ere ;P
basically he was blaming google because at launch there servers wernt working correctly and he said it was googles fault not theirs.yesterday the same happened again and he snapped on twitter saying we are not taking the blame this hed kept quite about the issue and took the hit himself but wasn't going to take it this time.he asked if amazon wanted their business.then google apparently contacted them and fixed it.

so it worked. ideally you wouldn't rant away on twitter if its business and keep it professional but...some people are passionate and maybe it was a good move in getting them to fix it and maybe no more issues in the future because of it.who knows.

all the sinking ship its doomed kinda people kinda sad.maybe just go play bf1 or arma.the game is going to get better plays well already. if you truly want a oldskool fps title making why are you trying to **** on it at every chance ?

if this does go under because of all the negative nancies just wont get a game like this again for many many one will want to gamble on making it because of the instant negativity it attracts. the worst thing is most of it is from people who never played early cods comp wise or just play modern cod games which are stupidly easy. so when they step in this get head shotted instantly they start ranting.

double xp is on this weekend.plenty playing go enjoy yourself in game.give it a chance.
Personally I was tempted to buy it until I saw the breakdown on Twitter with flash backs to Lawbreakers. Also looking at the playerbase it's not huge, however if it picks up from new content and updates I'll have a look at it again. But am in no rush in buying another lawbreakers and I think it's always a safe bet to have the same mindset when it means parting with your money. Hell it could go free to play!
lawbreakers was dog **** lets not compare them with this lol.

player base is fine. 150,000 people have brought the game concurrent players daily is about 2500+ in early access will rize as the game progresses.this isnt bf1 or pubg . the base is not going to be that huge. the thing is for eg. i played dirtybomb since it came out similar earlier alpha. it has had for 3 years 3-5000 players since launch.its fine.still growing and still many playing.this game is being developed over years ! so its nothing to worry about.
Dirty Bomb is F2P as a base game, people wont feel ripped off.

Battalion costs 10-15 quid, is very bare bones and has a developer that is a lunatic who cannot cope with the pressure...

I dont want it to fail, id like it to be a fun game, they have my money. But the problem is, they are trying to cater for about 1% of the gaming population.... those who sit there and believe they will make a living from the game, be able to have their name on a sticker for a BAR or STG44.

The whole 'Pro' scene conversation is an embarrassment to everyone, the developers and the players who really believe they are something special. A scene like that should evolve naturally from the game being good, the player base wanting it and the best players coming to the fore. Not 'we used to be Pro in COD2, made our millions and are now back for more'.

As for negative nancies... id suggest you and apologists like you are ruining the game. Sucking up to the developers, forcing them down the path of the minority.... IF this game fails, it wont be because of negative comments, it will be because the developers have their head so far up their own arse that they cant listen to what the majority of their customer base want and move forward with a game that is fun to play at its core.

Id love to know the refund stats of this game, the player numbers are dropping not growing... double XP might spike it a bit, as will a free weekend... but id also not be surprised to see more harm being done to the game that good because of that.
Thought day one problems were down to expected numbers(which he based on beta numbers....... that they themselves restricted) If you plan for 4000 and double shows up, you will have problems - so how exactly was this "taking one for google to maintain a good relationship?"

I want these guys to get it to a good state but what humalaptop has said above is spot on, the game gets "pro" from the game being good and evolving.

Lawbreakers wasn't actually dog****, it had it's problems which were present since alpha, lack of variety, only a couple of viable game modes, players not being subbed in quick enough when you have leavers, nightmare for new players - plus it was like if you took all the toxic idiots banned from overwatch and stuck them in a new game, you would get lawbreakers.... but you see those problems that in part caused it to fail? Recognise them in any other game?

DG love your enthusiasm, do you own shares in this?
i have nothing to do with the game. lawbreakers was dog**** i played it from the very first build never got better was buggy and just a bad game.this is not the same its alpha but is getting better with each patch which are coming regular.

i mentioned dirty bomb and yes i know its free to play i played it for nearly 2000 hrs lol because of its playerbase number which is similar to what the concurrent rate of battalion is.which rise.

the funny thing is as gamers we are becoming ass holes in general.if you a older gamer and remember how games used to work and patches you expected servers to be down or crash on release and things to go wrong its part of the gaming process .

now its like day one issue this games over ! devs are useless. want my money back. it is so easy to be negative with new games.
This will go the same way as lawbreakers, both having potential but poor choices leading to the same outcome - dog**** as you so nicely put it.
Building a game purely for the "pro" scene will never work.

Games like this, as has been said already in this thread, and been shot down, need a decent pub scene first, decent pub servers, then the competitive scene grows through that.

It doesn't have that, wont ever have that.

OOOOOhhhhhh but we have xx sponsors giving xx cash for this crappy tourny... aye, ok
its not purely just for the " pro scene " but what many don't seem to understand is you need to get the tournes and lans and events going with the pros to get people playing.this is what csgo did and most competitive titles.

why would anyone think they only catering for the " pro scene " when they got arcade mode in the game ? :confused:

as i pointed out earlier.people are too fast to rubbish anything.especially games.or just don't understand what a game is about.which is clearly the case with this game.
Wut? No you don't, you need to make a game that keeps people playing long enough to end up being 'pro'

People probably think that because its all you've spoken about for about the last 3 weeks, the 'pro' scene, the 'cod 2 pros'. Its not surprising people are thinking its a bit elitist, especially with you putting down everyone with anything negative to say about the game.

But let me guess, everyone else apart from the elite crew just dont understand gaming. Pity they're voting with their wallets eh?
csgo was made this way. its done lans and pros playing is very important.the thing people getting mixed up about is because the comps and tournes are being done and cash put up that its only for those people.

its media.its promotion.the only reason i mentioned cod 2 pros or pro scene is cause people have slated the game and not even played pro mod or competitive cod 2. go read back the thread its the same people over and over. im not putting down anyone lol. thats even a weak bait from you who trolled me for years on here in dayz thread lol. im just saying give the game a chance stop being negative if you dont understand the game or how its being made.which is clearly the case for a few posting regular and being negative.go read the last 5 pages.same handful of people who have no idea.

boycey there is a couple in here being negative thats all.i know its a easy troll for you to come in and say whatever but the game has already earnt what it needs.its going to get better.its got the funds and plays great already.numerous patches from the get go . if all we going to do is just say the same old bait why even bother.its a waste of time.give it a month or two see if its progressed. do you play it ? how many hrs .lets see. 0 ! you don't even own the game.
No one is trolling. We are giving honest feedback to warn people off the game.

Comparing it to csgo is irrelevant and you know it. Whilst the raging lunatic who goes mental on twitter and at anyone who dare question the game is a very bad public face.

Its not funny or cool and his association with Battalion will help be a part of its potential downfall.

The majority of those defnding the game believe there is a chance for them to make a living off it. Those who play for fun and want a challenge are those who dislike the state of it.

Im sure all the big sponsors will pour in cash when 300 people are sat there watching the FIVE FIGURE tournaments.
Aye I'll leave it because I've already said I don't wish it to fail so there's no point me having any input into he discussion.

And I didn't troll you in the dayz thread, you kept denying that you defended that game, and was repeatedly proven wrong by literally everyone else.
“CSGO was made this way”

Aiye, and it was also the third iteration of one of the most successful PC games of all time, produced by possibly one of the largest grossing developers who also publish their own games, on their own platform, for which they own quite the monopoly on. :p
Let the 'Elite' keep to themselves.... well actually they are doing so, player numbers dropping quicker than the proverbial :D

I still dip in now and then to jump around spraying like a fanny and getting kills. I think ive sold myself short in all this, might jack my job in and chase the dream in Battalion... im sure theres a LAN offering up a few grand in prize money. Win that and im setup for life!
i dont get why so many cant grasp its not about the numbers for this game !

it only needs a small player base. enough to keep servers busy. its early access so more will play as it gains popularity. also those that cant play it well wont anyway and quickly rubbish it. in a way im glad as all those players do is rage all round then quit after getting slaughtered. not bringing anything to the game . the quicker those are gone the better.then people like me who really enjoy it can do without joe battlefield player getting raged cause he runs everywhere or cant aim. :D

the players that enjoy this kinda game will play it regardless of whether others wont. whether it be competitive or the arcade.

as shroud says it is a great game but not for your avg pc fps player.thats is why 90 percent of people wont like it.
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