*** Battlefield 1 ***

Battlefield 5 preview coming May 6th 9pm http://www.battlefield.com/en-gb/event

Expected to be WW1 game. This should be really good. Being an avid fan of COD1 and 2 in looking forward to this. The difference between the WW1/2 and modern games is huge. Gone are the huge long range scopes and pray and spray weapons. You have guns that kick back hard, limited ammo and sniping without a scope a lot of the time.
Seems we have two different "want camps" it seems to either be:-

Pre modern day


Post modern day.

Think we should have a poll to see what the majority on here want? I myself would like WW1/2, Korea, Vietnam with a good decent SP aswell as the typical BF MP.
Seems we have two different "want camps" it seems to either be:-

Pre modern day


Post modern day.

Think we should have a poll to see what the majority on here want? I myself would like WW1/2, Korea, Vietnam with a good decent SP aswell as the typical BF MP.

Totally agree. How much more futuristic can we get? Thought controlled miniature robotic fighting machines controlled from near orbit satellites? No actual interaction between players?
Give me a gun, an enemy and let's see who is best...
Oh, and a decent SP campaign again.
Some people want a pre modern day Battlefield.
Some people want a post modern day Battlefield.
Which one is best? There's only 1 way to find out...

Meh, world war FPS games are so bland. 2142 came out a long time ago now, it's about time we got a sequel to it. Much more you can do with it too, the only limitation of what can be in the game is the imagination of the devs, world war games are always limited to the exact same weapons, same vehicles, same destinations, same game modes. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
Battlefront was their futuristic game. It is definitely time to go to WW1. A lot of games are based on WW2 and even those are somewhat aging now. A WW1 game will be quite fresh.
Would WW1 appeal to the constant unlocks and multiple weapons console crowd? I'm not sure there's anything exciting about a biplane with your copilot manually dropping bombs over the side or a tank that has a gun on each side and does 4MPH. WW1 would shoot a guns only FPS but for a Battlefield game it wouldn't work. IMO anyway.
I got bored of the new "futuristic stuff" there is no fun in sitting other ends of the map calling in drone strikes on each other. How far can you take that? The future is remote warfare and that is just boring in a game.
For me it doesn't matter which era it goes for. Prefer a ww2 setting but wouldn't mind a 2142 remake. But my hopes are not high as its EA/Dice another shallow game incoming made for the consoles with little to no consideration for the PC gamer.
Battlefront was their futuristic game. It is definitely time to go to WW1. A lot of games are based on WW2 and even those are somewhat aging now. A WW1 game will be quite fresh.

Not at all, battlefront is not battlefield, you can't say that's their futuristic game just because it's set in the future and it's an FPS, that's ridiculous. Lots of people are still waiting for 2143, like I say there's such a limited amount you can do with World War games, it's always going to be the same guns, vehicles etc, at least with something modern or futuristic they can invent stuff which doesn't exist and use some imagination, not just iron sights and bolt action rifles.
Battlefield 2142 was probably their best overall balanced game, I'd be more than happy to hear a remake was on the cards. If not, a WWI or WWII game would be welcome as long as we got a proper Vietnam addon ! :D !
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