*** Battlefield 1 ***

:D :D:D :D

Anyone noticed that enemy vehicles are occasionally outlined in red? Seen a bomber and a tank in the last game i was in with a heavy red outline around them, not seen it before this. Scout spotting scope maybe?

Anyone else had a problem with changing the keybindings for vehicles not working? Works fine "on foot", but none of the keybindings for vehicles (including horses) seem to have been applied. I can see the changes in the key bindings screen, but when I play it's still set to WASD.

Yep mines the same the alpha did the same and I mentioned it in the feed back for the alpha and they didn't fix any of it :mad: I feel your pain man :o
Just had that most wonderful of compliments when someone kicks off and rants that you are hacking.

Now ok..so the fact of the matter was that he was driving that open topped car thing, directly at me, in a straight line, whilst I was prone, using the brilliant scoped Medic rifle, meaning that I basically didnt even need to adjust my aim as I shot 3 times to kill him.. but, thats not the point. The point is that my shooting was SO good, that he decided it was me hacking :D

I tried to advise him not to drive in a dead straight line across open desert at a prone rifleman but alas to no avail.

Wow thanks for ruining mobile view. Mods suspend virus2k for breaking the posting guidelines and as soon as the suspension has expired ban him for having Hardline in his library.
The map isn't helping, its basically snipers vs tanks, tanks are a little op, but with the right team organisation they can be easily taken care of, the big issue is sniping, its so easy, zero drop, very little bullet travel, it's removed all skill required to be a sniper. This needs fixed as it gives the game a very arcade feel.
It does make 720 no scopeing very easy though.
I dunno why they don't give bonus points for 720 no scopes. It's not very realistic without it.
Not played the beta yet and if its anything like battlefront then I won't even bother as battlefront is quite possibly the worst game I've ever played and I would have got more enjoyment in setting fire to my money.
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