*** Battlefield 1 ***

Yup I think it's a titan going overhead. The hints in final stand were real then. It might be "a few years after BF4" rather than 2143 though. A sort of 2142 prequel.

Unless it's a Zeppelin ;)
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Im out if its a WW game, not my cuppa tea i live in the now not the past, i dont want modern with exo's or bloody jet packs i just want a 2016 battlefield.

You're not living in the past, you're playing a game which could be set in the past.

You do understand the IRL server don't you?
OK, here you go, you heard it here first, the EXCLUSIVE REVEAL... the man in the teaser is actually reacting to an Imperial Star Destroyer flying overhead. The narrative opens at CERN, where scientists are continuing their work smashing protons together, attempting to create miniature black holes. They succeed, but with terrifying consequences, opening up a portal to a galaxy far far away. Upon realising their mistake, they shut down the experiment, but it's too late... a feedback cascade sends us back in time to WW1 where the skies are filled with the aforementioned Imperial Star Destroyers, TIE Fighters and X-Wings. Naturally the men on the battlefield are stunned, and this is where you take control of the lead character, Captain War McWarface, as he leads his band of brothers against the mighty Sith on the muddy battlefields of the Western Front.
I hope its the The Hindenburg he is watching fly over/crash

Making this a WW2 title

May 6th 1937 The Hindenburg crashed... and tomorrow is
Oh I hope this good. That video looks like WW type.... trench coat on the guy?

It's got that bad for me I bought battlefront :eek: (was only £20!) to pass the time till Doom... :D... then what?

Hope gameplay is like bad company in world war setting or now time frame with the graphics of battlefront would be nice, but better weather effects like Division snow :).

We will see tomorrow at 9pm! Need a shooter in life at the moment. I played a load of BF2/3/4 and BC2! All fun. Shame the bloody DLCs just broke the community up.

Hope it does not cost a load too, BF4 all cost me about £60 I think all in with DLCs. This is EA so there will DLCs. Hope it's not like battlefront where it's £50+40 for half a game!

The other games I play now are all just ok to play. Division is just lost on me now, to much RPG and running around for hours for nothing is not at the end of it. No win or lose or better gear, time will tell with this game. GTA is fun, but they need more heists. So next is Doom for single player blast though, multiplayer side was poor show in beta they had, but single player look good.
Personally I think the sound is kind of sci-fi-ish with the idea of someone looking up at a spaceship appearing overhead.
I can't think what would appear like that in a WW2 situation.
Of course, it could alternate universe with cyberpunk zeppelins in a an alternate 1942!
Battlefield: Primal... :eek:..

Bow and Arrow vs Spear..

EPIC - sorry I spoiled it all for you but the video will confirm tomorrow. Get ready to ride the dinosaurs and wooly mammoths.
As long as it's not present day or future war I am fine. WW2 would be my choice, but I'm down with WW1 as well. Just as long as it doesn't have any kind of lock-on weapons at all.
Busy boy these days. Don't work from home anymore either.

Tbh I struggle finding anything I want to play. I've quit and come back to gaming far too much! I've given away accounts, got accounts back and god knows what haha.

Nice man! i rejoin the forces in just over a month :rolleyes:
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