*** Battlefield 1 ***

Just you wait until you hear my new soundboard clip collections, haz and chippy ears have been graced with a small sample :D

**** pre-order too :p Zero point unless they offer something seriously good or you can get the game for stupidly cheap....
It was set in the future but that was no pew pew lasers to speak of. I hate futuristic games in fact I hate games with lasers, spaceships, alien, mutants, games set in space. I love ww2 games and modern period.

The titan mode while buggy was very enjoyable for me. It had objectives, it had tactics. And the rush you got when you beaten the two long lane corridors with nade spamers and LMG's (basically support heaven). A lot of people might of found it slower paced comaped to normal conquest due to the initial capture/protect the silo.

When the shields dropped are you going to attack or defend as the enemy team will be thinking the same strat when your titan shields dropped.

Will you your team board the titan and try to take out the core or will you hold onto missile silos and take it out that way?

Which silos do you want the titan over to give fastest response times to hold/capture.

IIRC I didn't set foot on a conquest maps until like over 400+ hours of titan. I didn;t know how to play stuff like Camp G or the other maps as I only ever played titan. In fact most of my then guildmates if they wanted to talk to me had to come on titan as I would not leave it in case I lost my spot on the server. I use to play from mid day till 6am in the morning, I breathed it, I dreamt about it I loved it.

I would never pay 50-60 quid for a reskinned game but if it was 2142 reskinned I would make an exception. I spent over 2000+ hours on the game. In the last 10 years onlytwo other games have occupied me as much 2142 and they are company of heroes and league of legends.

Probably a good chance we played on the same servers back in the day, i played a **** tonne of 2142. Fantastic game. Loved the titan mode, the lag on board was annoying though.

I loved being commander.

I would throw money and my underwear for a new 2142.
BC3 would be nice but I would prefer a more hardcore successor to BF2. No more gadgets, don't need 100s of guns and attachments and a greater focus on gameplay, teamplay and decent maps. With the frostbite engine this would be the game I would want to buy.
BC3 would be nice but I would prefer a more hardcore successor to BF2. No more gadgets, don't need 100s of guns and attachments and a greater focus on gameplay, teamplay and decent maps. With the frostbite engine this would be the game I would want to buy.


But then all the kiddies have nothing to strive for! If it don't got a gazillion unlocks and achievement awards hen little Johnny will be sad :(

Who needs tight, focused, team based gameplay when you can earn ribbons and dog tags and grind towards that new scope you have been wanting??!! :p

Anyways, how is it over the pond? Settled in?

Edit - How about BF 2142BC? Hone a stick to make a spear and go poke your enemies in the eye with it. Use a fire stick to blind them before tossing a rock at them. Hunt down your food to regain health, and if you find yourself without a weapon, assume the boxing stance and punch each other until someone dies.

Compared to all the futuristic guff that is popular I think it would sell. I'd buy that for a dollar! :p
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BC3 would be nice but I would prefer a more hardcore successor to BF2. No more gadgets, don't need 100s of guns and attachments and a greater focus on gameplay, teamplay and decent maps. With the frostbite engine this would be the game I would want to buy.

But Squad should cater admirably for that. Like it or not BF has gone down the COD route, but it incorporates a fuller spectrum of warfare and class roles vs basic run n gun with a side order of killstreak perks.
BF5 will look awesome.
It will sound awesome.
It be gameplay that one want to kill oneself playing again.

Edit - If that is the trailer that is going to be aired tomorrow then...................... I'm speechless
Edit again - Ok it's a teaser for the trailer tomorrow.
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Im out if its a WW game, not my cuppa tea i live in the now not the past, i dont want modern with exo's or bloody jet packs i just want a 2016 battlefield.
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