They could make that cost 1 million dollars for all I care, there is absolutely nothing in that edition that I need anyway so it was never on my radar. The standard edition is all I need, dont need anything else for release at all.
EA are a crafty bunch of sods, they've staggered the release of the game to three different dates, this IMO is an attempt at raking in more cash from people who are completely desperate to play it.
It goes like this..
* Want to play the game on the 13th of October for 10 hours? Sign up to EA Origin Access for 10 hours play time, and 10% off future purchases.
* You enjoyed the access? Buy the Deluxe or Premium edition for an extortionate amount of money (even with your 10% off) and get to play on the 18th of October
* a cheapskate and get the Standard edition, but we won't let you play until the 21st of October, you'll get no super cool awesome skins though as a punishment
I myself will be getting the standard edition for £35. The skins are a complete and utter waste of money, I'll buy DLC when it drops in 2017, assuming the game is still relevant then.