BF3 yes, BF4 no, because BF4 was a load of arse.
BF3 yes, BF4 no, because BF4 was a load of arse.
That campaign trailer was enough to make me pre-order. £37... Now question is, do I want a new GFX card (980) or not. I was able to play the beta at 3440x1440 with mostly max settings without issue, but I'm wondering what it would be like with everything up.
Any cheaper than £34.99 - 5% at cdkeys at the moment, I wonder if its worth waiting until nearer release to see if price drops
Anyone signing up to ea access to play for a bit early? I dont want to in principle, its just what ea want us to do, but kind of want to play now!
Don't do it man, the 10 hours counts down from the moment you click the game icon, so all the time spent in the menus and waiting for the game to load is counted too!
Unless ofc you aren't sure whether you'll like the game or not, and want to try it
Or if you're planning on the extortionate £100 ultimate edition off origin, then you get 10% off with EA Access so pays for itself
I've still got no idea how best to buy this
Anyone signing up to ea access to play for a bit early? I dont want to in principle, its just what ea want us to do, but kind of want to play now!
It is certainly going to be interesting to see what EA access evolves into I am going to say it now, I TOLD YOU SO!
It is certainly going to be interesting to see what EA access evolves into I am going to say it now, I TOLD YOU SO!
I'm not too worried about it really, at the moment I find Origin Access to be incredibly good value for the Origin Vault. The free games easily outweigh the cost currently and if things start to get silly with Access then I will just cancel. Simples !
Anyway why do people think DLC is a new thing, it's been around forever but used to be called expansion packs. Half of that was useless tat as well but that seems to be ok with everyone.
Don't get me wrong I'd love to be able pay once and have it all but game development costs are through the roof so I can see why they try milk as much back as they can regardless of it being right or wrong.
My biggest concern with origin access is whether they use it to gate the number of friends you can have, which could mean that if you stop paying* you have to ditch some friends. I noticed that after signing up to it (to get the discount and early play), that I was able to add my 101th friend in origin. Only 100 still turn up in Battlelog though.
Does anyone here without EA or Origin access have more that 100 friends?
*And they could easily put the price up at any point.
My biggest concern with origin access is whether they use it to gate the number of friends you can have, which could mean that if you stop paying* you have to ditch some friends. I noticed that after signing up to it (to get the discount and early play), that I was able to add my 101th friend in origin. Only 100 still turn up in Battlelog though.
Does anyone here without EA or Origin access have more that 100 friends?
*And they could easily put the price up at any point.
I dont even have 10 friends, let alone 100
Any cheaper than £34.99 - 5% at cdkeys at the moment, I wonder if its worth waiting until nearer release to see if price drops
Hopefully the majority of people will have your will power come that time
It is certainly great atm... but that is the start of how they will trap people to the point where if you want to play a certain game then you have no choice but to pay their free
As I mentioned earlier on, this will be a big year for EA with regards to the access program and seeing what they can and can't do since all the new franchise titles are being released soon so it is even more important that people vote with their wallet.
" Back in the day" you paid for a game and you got it all, you didn't have any ideas/content cut out *cough* battlefront and space battles *cough*. Didn't someone on here post a leaked photo of a "DLC planning board" despite the game not even being out yet... can't remember if it was for a BF game or the division. This is what annoys me, concentrate on the base game first and after it has been released then start work on expansions/DLC to further add to the game, not re-add bits/ideas that were removed during production, maybe if companies put more effort into the base game rather than what they can do for DLC/season pass, games might actually release in a satisfactory state
I don't have much issue with map packs for DLC as long as the base game releases with a satisfactory amount....
Also, remind me again, how much are big developer companies like DICE worth and even more so the publishers? The problem is not game prices, making money back or whatever, the problem is down to the publishers being greedy....
Friends limit is the least of my concerns with EA access
My concerns are:
- they make the exclusive play time even longer
- they make games exclusive to only those with EA access
- they up the fee (so if you want to play an exclusive title, not only will you have to pay for the game but also EA access)
With regards to the game, it will be interesting to see how this launches, given how almost every other AAA game this year has turned out to be a **** show And before people say the beta ran great, yes so did the bf 3 and 4 alpha/beta.... Although given that hardline and battlefront launched very well, I am expecting this to as well.