*** Battlefield 1 ***

light tank is a lot fun but fragile.. if u play like a proper gay u can get 40+ kills easy per death.. the canister shell wrecks.. can rape bombers too..

dunno wtf is up with pistols too hip firing is like playing the lottery!
All about the telescopic BAR, love love love!
Like my DoD heydays all over again :)
Smallish mag can be a pain though
light tank is a lot fun but fragile.. if u play like a proper gay u can get 40+ kills easy per death.. the canister shell wrecks.. can rape bombers too..

dunno wtf is up with pistols too hip firing is like playing the lottery!

aye. Good fun today mate, my internet really seems to be giving me jip in 1v1's, feels like im always 2nd off and that's not normally the case. Good job you get a ton of points for good squad play.
I've seen fps as low as in the 60s on DX11 at 1440p/Max so I think I'm doing ok, but when I see my GPU being underutilised I just know my cpu is waning under the pressure :)

5930K here (Stock)

2560x1400 Ultra Average of 77% load on all threads/cores
GTX1080 100FPS average
I've gotta figure something out with my internet. Multiplayer is unplayable. This was the case the last few times I tried to play Black Ops 3 and Battlefield 4 as well. Dont know what's going on. My setup hasn't changed. I'm getting 30Mbps+(usually around 50) and my ping is less than 10ms. Yet everything I'm trying to play has unbearable lag.

Sucks because this was the whole reason I got the game and it's simply worthless to me at the moment and I have NO IDEA what to do about it. :/
The flak on that map Monte whatever it's called is nuts. I just call it flak alley, take an artillery truck with flak load out, plonk it some where and the planes drop like flies.
Does using a controller just for flying cause any problems with playing infantry with keyboard and mouse?

I am just thinking that the controller and mouse are both doing the same job at aiming that it could cause some input lag or something?

I don't know if I can turn off infantry axis for the controller?

Finding the UI and general information slightly confusing. Is there no way to see the skins that I've unlocked? - EDIT - Just noticed I have to reload the inventory section a couple of times for the skins list to become visible, seems glitchy.

Also, is the only way to get medals by tracking one individually? Seems as though you don't contribute to their unlocking unless you are tracking it.
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Been looking at the "Place Order" button on CD Key's for the last 10 minutes... I just cant help that feel I will regret it once the novelty wears off :confused:
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