*** Battlefield 1 ***

More great games last night, watching the airship crash in a ball of flames 50m in front of me after I was hitting with the flak cannon is one of my best BF moments. Kinda wish I had my shadow play activated.
More great games last night, watching the airship crash in a ball of flames 50m in front of me after I was hitting with the flak cannon is one of my best BF moments. Kinda wish I had my shadow play activated.

If it's enabled, you can do Alt + Z to bring up the overlay from which it can be activated
It's been said many times in this thread, but Operations are amazing, just goosebumps at times.
Playing a medic during Operations is realy something else indeed, greatest gaming experience? Quite possibly.

Need to go through the thread and start adding people to Origin.
BF1 is fantastic after the trash that was Hardline. Think I will pick up a premium key as I can see myself putting many hours into this.
Just to mirror what everyone is saying - BF1 seems great so far and isn't as arcadey compared to the beta. The operations are awesome and single player is engaging.
More great games last night, watching the airship crash in a ball of flames 50m in front of me after I was hitting with the flak cannon is one of my best BF moments. Kinda wish I had my shadow play activated.

Sorry bout last night, mate popped over and decided to go over the local for a few. Just about to go golf but will be on this afternoon if your around mate.
I watched TotalBiscuits review of the SP campaign and he didn't rate it but I've bought the game after reading the responses in this thread. More interested in MP anyway, I haven't played since BF3 but wasn't a fan of the modern combat. Downloading it now :D
Just bought this, looks a lot of fun, after bf 4 and hardline disappointed me, feel free to add me on origin, Subzero9278, would love some games with you guys
It's been said many times in this thread, but Operations are amazing, just goosebumps at times.
Playing a medic during Operations is realy something else indeed, greatest gaming experience? Quite possibly.

Need to go through the thread and start adding people to Origin.

I play a lot as a medic and operations is brilliant. Loving the ww1 theme too. I can see me putting loads of hours in this!!!

Add me up. d0ct0r46
I've just added you guys, d0ct0r46 and Jedifragger. My origin user is adz160, should be online tonight about 8. Haven't been in a squad yet, seen above about using discord for voice comms do you guys use this?
What's the bottleneck in my rig for BF1, I have yet to play the game, only the open beta and to get a constant 60fps I had to drop to medium, still looked lovely though.

R9 290
1333hz 8gb

If possible i would only like to only change one thing to hit ultra 60fps

Thank you
What's the bottleneck in my rig for BF1, I have yet to play the game, only the open beta and to get a constant 60fps I had to drop to medium, still looked lovely though.

R9 290
1333hz 8gb

If possible i would only like to only change one thing to hit ultra 60fps

Thank you

Overclocking the cpu to around 4.5-47ghz, most 290's will do 1150-1600 but some will not.

Try clocking your ram to 1600mhz.
What res Don? I don't know AMD cpu's much but I dont see that having a problem doing 60 ultra 1080p? Use afterburner and the screen overlay see whats hitting 100%
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