*** Battlefield 1 ***

What are the benefits?

After 2 days of direct x errors and memory errors, i bit the bullet and installed win 10 and ran it again, what a difference. 2 days of no issues and outstanding performance. Have to say, they have surprised me with this battlefield, seems like a more pure combat game than the previous games, hit reg seems good and the maps are well thought out.

Anyone know if it is possible to turn the hints off?
I can't settle into a Medic weapon. Got rank 10 to get the top gun but it's 3 shots to kill with a 5 bullet clip.
Don't think class ranks are displaying correctly, it shows rank 7 but rank 10 weapon was unlocked.
The total lack of squad orders in 90% of the rounds is the only thing that is getting my wick up.
Even when i'm leader and issue orders, I still get spammed with requesting order :mad:
but when you land in or form that perfect squad, ah bliss :)

Agreed. Very frustrating asking for orders over and over to be ignored.

They need to tooltip or something so that when a play becomes SL they are reminded what their role is.
you get to use dx12 thats about it.:D oh and a worse op system.

there is a loop hole anyway where you can still upgrade to win 10 for free now and isnt ending anytime soon.would rather lick wasps tbh.:p

Win10 is the best OS yet, start eating them wasps Dg you stick in the mud.:p
Seen an interesting tactic last night, a flamethrower elite getting driven around in a motorbike sidecar chasing after an on fire Calvary guy. :p

Its surprising how useful gas grenades are, seems like people run into the gas and just assume its friendly gas then start taking damage, lobbing a few of those around racks up a decent amount of damage over time.

Also noticing a new bug with medics, i got revived a few times last night and was unable to fire or reload my gun, for some reason going prone and back up again seemed to fix it.
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Add me on origin guys: psypher5

I'm pretty rusty, but pffft, its a game, its all fun :D

Also, its defo worth getting. It's got that original BF feel to it, and that music is amazing. (Also, the general sounds / screams are quite haunting :/)

Obviously is bf so its a bit buggy, but generally is damn good fun :)
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I'm in need of some help :(

I got the game yesterday and it ran fine on my rig, had to turn down most of the settings, but it played ok.

3570k @4.2
780 gtx
8 GB Ram
Win 7 home premium 64bit (Fresh install yesterday before I got the game)

Played earlier and it was fine. Popped out for an hour and now it's just flickering like a strobe light as soon as the game starts to load :(

I've just reinstalled the graphics drivers (latest ones - which did work) but no joy :(


EDIT: The game launches in a window and if I maximize the window it's ok, but when I enable fullscreen the flickering starts and it's totally unplayable.

Any ideas?
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What does it offer over Win 7?

DirectX 12 and the future of PC gaming. Other than that, it's awful. There's nothing in Win 10 I'd take over Win 7. It can be pretty heavily customised though, I spent a while making it as much like Win 7 as I could.
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