*** Battlefield 1 ***

Downloading the trial now, not sure how long it will take to download.

Repair seems to be bugged since the update to me, X shows....as soon as you try to use it just disappears so annoying. never get to the showing spanner countown.
I need some help with the SP game, please :

Avanti Savoia

I'm at the Artillery Gun, but have no way to destroy it? If I go up to the marker, nothing happens. There's a weapons crate to the left, but I can't pick anything up from it?

Get some dynamite , throw them at the base of the gun then run out of the bunker and detonate.
Really enjoying this for a change of pace from CSGO.
All the classes feel pretty good and work well in different situations.
looks amazing and you deffo get the big battle feeling.

My only very minor gripe is I wish it were easier to set up your loadouts before going into a game.

Still got quite a few guys on my friends list from bf3 days not sure how many were from this forum though. Anyone else feel free to add me on origin

Username : Banksy-iv
I have had a problen exiting the game a couple of times, just sits there with the arrow going around, have to ctrl,alt,del to shut it down and trying to close Origin it takes ages to upload progress to cloud
My only very minor gripe is I wish it were easier to set up your loadouts before going into a game.

The mobile companion app is useful for this I found.

Really enjoying this, it looks amazing and plays really well. The WW1 setting is so refreshing after all the modern/future day games we have had over the last few years.

WiZZyWiGG on Origin.
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