*** Battlefield 1 ***

Can't seem to play tonight, crazing rubber banding with 300+ ping spikes every 10 seconds or so.
been fine all day though so I don't understand what could be causing it.

anyone else got this? I'm with Virgin media fiber

edit : seems to be doing it in overwatch aswell so guess its my isp being ****** :(

Also with virgin media, no issues to report
Which platform?

Lots of people for XBOX seem to buy it from different countries (China etc) on the XBOX store, as they are multi-region

PC of course. Also which version should I get? On Origin there is the standard version, deluxe and ultimate. Is there no more premium edition now, the one that has passes for all future expansions?
PC of course. Also which version should I get? On Origin there is the standard version, deluxe and ultimate. Is there no more premium edition now, the one that has passes for all future expansions?

premium edition always comes out a lot later

you could buy the standard edition + buy the premium pass for future dlc
or just buy the ultimate edition and that includes everything in the deluxe edition + premium pass

personally ive gone for the standard edition and will buy premium pass down the line
I quite like all the classes except scout,i hate snipers and hate being one,i think support is my fave class though,oh does anyone else notice that 9 times out of 10 when you are killed by a bloody sniper its a noob? lol

EDIT in noob I mean low class,im not exactly great at the game lol

I hate then too, last game I played their was 22 snipers on the other team:(
Yep? I get that quite a lot

It's not a bug, it's for some reason Dice decided it would be a good idea to put squads private by default of you join a game with friends.
Instead of leaving them open and letting players decide, now you have squads locked and half the player base doesn't know its automatically locked. Lol
Hopefully fast fix it's annoying not being able to join squads.
Its interesting that the game has no spectator mode, despite the fact dice released videos showing spectator mode with a lot of filtering and video options to play with. :confused:
Played a game of conquest tonight, and within the first 10 mins there were at least 6 fairfight bans! We were literally pinned into our spawn base at one point but the cheaters got kicked and we pulled back well over a 200 point defecit! And went on to win the round ;)

**** you Hackers!!!!!
Its interesting that the game has no spectator mode, despite the fact dice released videos showing spectator mode with a lot of filtering and video options to play with. :confused:
It is coming soon.

Cant wait personally. Gonna turn the res up to 4k and spend a whole lot of time just taking pretty pictures.
Gutted Ive missed out again. Unfortunately had to take an unexpected trip to the hospital with my beloved,expecting wife. Some things are more important but Ive got tomorrow all freed up at least to get some decent game time in
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Has anyone has this long loading time recently at the end of the round for the battle packs? Yesterday it loaded with no problems :/
Game is really good. Haven't played much since it's been out but had a good 1hr blast today.

Graphics are awesome and the sounds and destruction are great too.

I'm using the GEforce experience to optimise the game for me. It's selected all max except for high effects, this is with a 970 at 1200p.

Of course this has me wondering if I can just push the last setting to max! ;)
Game is really good. Haven't played much since it's been out but had a good 1hr blast today.

Graphics are awesome and the sounds and destruction are great too.

I'm using the GEforce experience to optimise the game for me. It's selected all max except for high effects, this is with a 970 at 1200p.

Of course this has me wondering if I can just push the last setting to max! ;)

I would say yes. GFE always suggests lower settings than needed I found. Im getting great FPS with a 1080 @3440x1440 and everything maxed
Well first hour or so on tdm and really enjoying it. Game keeps freezing for around 4 seconds randomly though. Anyone know why? I am playing 1080p on low settings. Is it the servers or is it performance related?

I had same issue. Turned out to be windows update being stuck and using 25% CPU in the background always.
Check your idle CPU usage, should be close to zero. If it's around 25% (svchost.exe is the culprit) disable windows update and the freezing will stop.
Enjoying the game but the pings I am having with VM tonight make it really hard to do anyrhing but of course die.

It didn't occur to me that you were talking about Virginia media till I played last night.

Had the exact same issue. Hopefully it's better today.
Having a few issues with the game, like a stuttering problem. Fps runs great everything ultra over 100fps all the time. Think it might be ram shortage as it loves it's ram. 8gb just isn't enough I don't think so ordered another 8gb. When it stutters, the hdd light goes mad and looks like it's searching on the ssd.

Few people have said could be ram when looking around. Will let you know how I get on tonight if anyone is having similar issues.
gg's last night, I was also getting terrible packet loss on VM but it seemed to improve after a while.

The BAR trench is my support weapon of choice at the moment. It's like having a modern assault rifle with good hip fire. I'm often beating assault smgs in one on ones (largely because of the larger mag).

Stats on battlefield.com are a bit wonky, It currently claims I have 5207.5 kpm with the cavalry sword :D

At least it's letting me buy things for the classes I haven't ranked up yet now though.

Will be back on this evening.
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