*** Battlefield 1 ***

After spending so long using the Support class, and finding the Lewis to be about as much use as a peashooter (even the Suppressive version with the extra accuracy), I gave Medic a try last night.

The semi-auto rifles are a complete world away in terms of being able to drop enemies. They're ridiculous. Dare I say, they feel almost cheap and dirty to use.

Stick with support until you get the BAR with scope and bipod, its glorious. Great to use as an actual support weapon picking people off at distance and cover your guys rushing the flag, and equally as good as you run in to help them cap and resupply them and take down any stragglers still mincing about. I love it. Magazine size can be an issue but thats what your pistol is for :)
Enjoying this so far.

Its extremely atmospheric.

Would be keen to play with some of you, im therealsoundb0y on origin if anyone wants to add.

Think it was the TFU boys I used to play with back in the bc2 days.
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Stick with support until you get the BAR with scope and bipod, its glorious. Great to use as an actual support weapon picking people off at distance and cover your guys rushing the flag, and equally as good as you run in to help them cap and resupply them and take down any stragglers still mincing about. I love it. Magazine size can be an issue but thats what your pistol is for :)

i prefer the light wieght sten. its a mint gun.
Lol. That was like watching a clown car empty out, then seeing the ragdolls go flying. Had vaguely similar when taking down planes with aa, you hear a scream then see a body slapping the ground beside you :p
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Well first hour or so on tdm and really enjoying it. Game keeps freezing for around 4 seconds randomly though. Anyone know why? I am playing 1080p on low settings. Is it the servers or is it performance related?
I played the single player for an hour tonight, really liking it, I love old war games!

Watching Liverpool now, but ill have a blast online tomorrow on the XBOX :)
Running smooth as butter all ultra on my very modest system of an AMD 8350, 8gb ddr3 Ram and 970 at 1080p. Loving this the most since BF2.

Had a crazy game on the forest level where the entire team moved as one unit up and down the map taking points as we went. Was crazy and funny.
Had a few games solo and played a bit of the SP, not having much time because I'm trying to look after a heavily pregnant wifey!

Played the tank level in single player and finished that part. Not overly impressed as I dont like driving the tank but as expected it feels like a fleshed out tutorial for MP. Some nice touches though.

Played a few games of conquest as a medic,which I think I will make my class. Dont have cat like reflexes like so many younger players do so it suits me to hang back. Might still try support though as my shooting skills came back to me pretty quickly despite still not being world class.

Anyway,long story short, I really like it and I will be jumping on with you guys first chance I get but life is getting in the way of me having a good sesh at the moment unfortunately
I quite like all the classes except scout,i hate snipers and hate being one,i think support is my fave class though,oh does anyone else notice that 9 times out of 10 when you are killed by a bloody sniper its a noob? lol

EDIT in noob I mean low class,im not exactly great at the game lol
Can't seem to play tonight, crazing rubber banding with 300+ ping spikes every 10 seconds or so.
been fine all day though so I don't understand what could be causing it.

anyone else got this? I'm with Virgin media fiber

edit : seems to be doing it in overwatch aswell so guess its my isp being ****** :(
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