*** Battlefield 1 ***

Has anyone has this long loading time recently at the end of the round for the battle packs? Yesterday it loaded with no problems :/

Yes, I had that a couple of times myself last night.
Can't seem to play tonight, crazing rubber banding with 300+ ping spikes every 10 seconds or so.
been fine all day though so I don't understand what could be causing it.

anyone else got this? I'm with Virgin media fiber

edit : seems to be doing it in overwatch aswell so guess its my isp being ****** :(

gg's last night, I was also getting terrible packet loss on VM but it seemed to improve after a while.

The BAR trench is my support weapon of choice at the moment. It's like having a modern assault rifle with good hip fire. I'm often beating assault smgs in one on ones (largely because of the larger mag).

Stats on battlefield.com are a bit wonky, It currently claims I have 5207.5 kpm with the cavalry sword :D

At least it's letting me buy things for the classes I haven't ranked up yet now though.

Will be back on this evening.

I'm on VM and been getting this since last week on and off, I only get it about once or twice tops in a 3 hour sitting, massive rubber banding whereas the keyboard seems to work a little but the mouse controls are well behind.
The BAR trench is my support weapon of choice at the moment. It's like having a modern assault rifle with good hip fire. I'm often beating assault smgs in one on ones (largely because of the larger mag).

At least it's letting me buy things for the classes I haven't ranked up yet now though.

So you can buy the rank 2/3 class weapons without being that rank? If so I need that BAR in my life.

Yeah was good fun. The Forest map is mental hectic. Had a few really long dirty headshots on IanR (Scottish warlord) on sinai desert, scout class is horrible generally but that made me smile.

The forest map is just a bushy Op Locker/Metro, I loves it.

I might be on this evening, it's the final of GBBO so not sure yet.
So you can buy the rank 2/3 class weapons without being that rank? If so I need that BAR in my life.

No, but there are some rank 0 weapons you can buy which you couldn't before (from battlefield.com) I think.

I'll be on at a more reasonable time tonight, hope for some decent games as last night wasn't great.

Getting split across the two teams didn't help. I *thought* we were trying to get back on the same team after the forest map.
The BAR trench is my support weapon of choice at the moment. It's like having a modern assault rifle with good hip fire. I'm often beating assault smgs in one on ones (largely because of the larger mag).


The BAR only has a 20 round mag though compared to 25-32 of most smg's, one smg has a 60 round mag.
No, but there are some rank 0 weapons you can buy which you couldn't before (from battlefield.com) I think.

Getting split across the two teams didn't help. I *thought* we were trying to get back on the same team after the forest map.

I suggested leaving the server and then joining again but no-one seemed keen. After the desert map, I just gave up lol
Getting split across the two teams didn't help. I *thought* we were trying to get back on the same team after the forest map.

I suggested leaving the server and then joining again but no-one seemed keen. After the desert map, I just gave up lol

It won't be easy getting 10+ people onto the same side on the same server. Plus with each of us split it makes for better gameplay and banter on DC.

Plus the salty tears ;)
Played a game of conquest tonight, and within the first 10 mins there were at least 6 fairfight bans! We were literally pinned into our spawn base at one point but the cheaters got kicked and we pulled back well over a 200 point defecit! And went on to win the round ;)

**** you Hackers!!!!!

FYI I'm pretty sure the fairfight notifications are global rather than server based, so chances are they weren't kicked from your game :)

Saw one ban wave like a news reel last night though... not encountered too many blatantly obvious hackers myself
Yeah was good fun. The Forest map is mental hectic. Had a few really long dirty headshots on IanR (Scottish warlord) on sinai desert, scout class is horrible generally but that made me smile.

I aim to please! :D

I think my playstyle is more suited to cowering in buildings on that map, every time I made the dash for E, my turnip got popped!
Having a few issues with the game, like a stuttering problem. Fps runs great everything ultra over 100fps all the time. Think it might be ram shortage as it loves it's ram. 8gb just isn't enough I don't think so ordered another 8gb. When it stutters, the hdd light goes mad and looks like it's searching on the ssd.

Few people have said could be ram when looking around. Will let you know how I get on tonight if anyone is having similar issues.

I had the same issue with:

I turned off DX12 and the problem went away. It doesn't seem like a great time to upgrade anything as my specs are still "adequate", so I was glad that it worked.

Will upgrade at some point for next gen VR and plod on with what I have
Really want to play this but the only version worth buying is the £100 version, and EA know this - if you get the £50 one you can play for a month until they release an addon pack and everyone moves to that.......dirty underhanded money grabbing tactics, which is a real shame.............£50 for a months play wihile everyone is on the same maps/version as you or £100 to get the 'full game'.

Shame, not paying £100 for a ******* video game, madness.
Really want to play this but the only version worth buying is the £100 version, and EA know this - if you get the £50 one you can play for a month until they release an addon pack and everyone moves to that.......dirty underhanded money grabbing tactics, which is a real shame.............£50 for a months play wihile everyone is on the same maps/version as you or £100 to get the 'full game'.

Shame, not paying £100 for a ******* video game, madness.

ok, base game = £39 -5% http://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/battlefield-1-pc-origin

also the first DLC doesnt come out until march 2017 so i have no idea where you got the 1 month from??
Why is there some kind of retarded delay between lobbing a grenade and going to ads and firing? I can throw a grenade as support, then aim down sights and the gun refuses to fire for around a second or so. Bloody annoying and has got me killed quite a few times.
dont get it just buy base game you will love it for £35. then when need dlc buy it then which isnt for months.:p

this is best battlefield game since bfbc2

Buy the game for £40 and then the premium pass for £39.

The value for the premium pass is very good IMHO.

Besides, the first DLC isn't until early 2017.
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