I remembered why I stopped playing FPS shooters so much. They're just an exercise in annoyance, medics who don't revive or drop med packs, support who don't know they have ammo. Capture the first 3 flags and comfortably racking up points, so lets all run to the other 2 and let the opposition capture our 3 from behind.
I've had the resupply award frequently (60 in one round), I rarely see others resupply when I'm not support though. Revives don't happen much unless you've got Crispy** following you although Waylander and Snips have been known to.
I tend to use the small ammo pack, and throw it at everyone I see, squad or not rather than leave a box which either gets destroyed by an enemy grenade, or worse a support player on your team who wants the resupply points for themselves.
The flag zerging is my biggest bugbear. Team captures backcaps and central flag and then leaves the flanks completely open as they zerg into enemy territory. Most of the team should stop at this point and defend the width of the map and the key central flag*. One or at most two squads should think about a flank for the enemy gimmie, but not the whole ******* team!
I used to see so many teams lose rounds of lockers this way.
In BF4 (and I think it holds true here), I quite often got an mvp on zavod or hanin by using a LAV or AA (light tank would do here) and just running backwards and forwards constantly between the backcaps and the centre of the map rather than pushing for the allcap, it can be like playing whackamole, but at least we don't lose the backcaps. It's harder in BF1 as a light tank is much less capable vs infantry than an BF4 LAV due to lack of ammo and maneuverability, so ideally you want a camper or two on the backcaps too..
*The enemy will still find their way to a backcap on an open map either by air or water, but if your team is mostly at the halfway point then they don't have too far to send a squad or two back to snuff it out, whereas if they're at the other end of the map, they've effectively just swapped your gimmie for theirs.
** IIRC Crispy was the only person who revived me throughout the beta.