*** Battlefield 1 ***

Haven't cared about my K/D in any battlefield game as it's all about winning for me which is my biggest frustration with this battlefield.

No one seems to be playing to win, simply to get as many kills as possible and not play play the objective. I feel the points incentives should be bigger for objective/squad play

Hope that all changes when I can find a decent clan server with similar mentality like I had in BF4.

Have the same attitude towards the game. Today I have been playing medic mostly, but have to constantly tell my team to stop death skipping so me and my squad can revive them, but a lot don't listen sadly :(
And yet if you win you are reward with 1.5 times your score anyway
I only ever get 1.25x.

I still think people are more likely to get points by going on the offensive than hanging back on deserted flags to defend them for much of the match. Not saying people shouldn't defend, I just kinda get why most dont.

I enjoy doing it, though I feel like doing it solo in this game is extremely difficult. You really need at least 2-3, with *at least* one having anti-tank measures.

I seem to get better performance running a single 1080 than i do running 2 in SLI.

Anyone else notice this ?
Probably bad frametimes. Common issue with SLI/X-Fire.
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For those with random freezing up for a few seconds every few minutes, try disabling shadowplay. It was happening to me too at the start and a buddy told me to disable, did the trick.
Shotguns in this game make virtually zero sense, 1 minute you're 1 shotting people from a decent range, the next you're virtually teabagging a guy and your shot does 25% damage. :confused:
Haven't cared about my K/D in any battlefield game as it's all about winning for me which is my biggest frustration with this battlefield.

No one seems to be playing to win, simply to get as many kills as possible and not play play the objective. I feel the points incentives should be bigger for objective/squad play

Hope that all changes when I can find a decent clan server with similar mentality like I had in BF4.

Agree, don't give a monkeys on bf1, was just shocked at how much I'm dying lol.
Worked perfectly since release and now crazy blue flickering randomly only on some maps and others its perfectly fine, no change to config. google reveals a few others but no fix, anyone else?
Any tips for taking down the airship? the big mounted AA/machine guns just makes you easy pickings for the airship. Rocket weapon on the assault class doesn't do enough damage.

Is it down the the plane pilots to do the majority of the damage or am I missing something?
Worked perfectly since release and now crazy blue flickering randomly only on some maps and others its perfectly fine, no change to config. google reveals a few others but no fix, anyone else?

I get it but only on the town map Amiens is it? No fix unfortunately


whoops double post, thought they would auto merge
Out of interest, is capping your frame rate still la thing or not? I seem to remember reading someone saying you should run it uncapped for some reason?
Nearly finished installing now guys, how would my i5 4690k, 8gb ram and a gtx 970 cope ? medium settings ? thanks !!

similar setup to me except i have the 4670k, i use GFE optimised settings which is mostly ultra and i use v-sync so capped at 60

you will run it very nicely
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