*** Battlefield 1 ***

nothing wrong with my pc.

game uses too much of the CPU at the moment.

im on 144HZ monitor and it can drop down to the 60's on certain maps.

have lower average framerate on pro settings (low everything except mesh and AA) in BF1 than maxed out settings in BF4.
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nothing wrong with my pc.

game uses too much of the CPU at the moment.

im on 144HZ monitor and it can drop down to the 60's on certain maps.

have lower average framerate on pro settings (low everything except mesh and AA) in BF1 than maxed out settings on BF4.

On Ultra vs Ultra, I also get lower FPS in BF1 than BF4... but not by much... maybe 20%.

Very stable frame rates too... even in high action/explosion scenarios... I haven't see a single slow down.

I only have one of my two GPUs rendering it too... I don't notice any more CPU usage than BF4.

Definitely no drops into the 60s... 140-160FPS at 2560x1440
Heres my random bug of the night



I got wedged sideways into one of those trenches somehow and couldn't move, i then just held the w key in and gradually my tank raised itself out of the trench and into the air, was like climbing a hill in the tank, slow going but got there eventually. Must have been around 20 feet into the air before letting go of w and it just slowly righted itself and set me back down on the hill. :p
This game is great fun, looks amazing and runs well at high on a 3yr+ old system. It's quite an achievement. The SP is great too, good stories, with some actual "feels".

Love the way the weapons feel. Everything feels nice and chunky/old school. Especially the field gun. The way it fires, sounds and looks is amazing. Big shiny painted chunks of cast meal.

Hit reg etc all seems spot on too. Loving it at the moment, still not played 2 of the MP maps either.
One thing I'm not a massive fan of is the web companion - there's no correlation between the loadouts on there and my ones in game, every time I log in they're reset.

How hard can it be to have a loadout option on the in-game home screen:confused:
My GTX 970 hates DX12. Turned it off and all my problems went away. I can even turn the resolution scale up a decent amount.

However I feel that visually it is not as great - although this may be my PC gamer mindset scrutinizing every pixel.
I must say that in terms of looks vs performance, its an absolute belter of a game engine. Its amazing to me when I look back at FPS games from 30 years ago just how far we have come in graphics capabilities in such a relatively short space of time. Really makes you wonder how gaming will look in another 30 years.
Has anyone else noticed this weird trend in how the game seems to load?

I've noticed that in rounds i do well in a vehicle, when the countdown for the next map starts instead of it hitting zero then immediately showing the map and spawn options i get an additional bit of "loading" text appearing for a few seconds then by the time the spawn options appear more often than not the vehicles are all taken.

I'm not sure if its my place in the server or something along those lines, just seems strange it usually happens immediately after i have a good vehicle round. Almost like its holding back so others can snag the vehicles.


I've had this.... or I get to pick a vehicle then spawn without it... but with pilot/vehicle class kit! aaarrrgggghhhh

One thing I did see on Scar map. At the tank spawn at base there was horse where the tank would spawn... every time I picked the tank.... no tank spawn, but in the tank class kit. Moved the bloody horse and it worked, tank spawned. :p . If that's a bug I can see people riding horses to spawn points and having them sit there taking a vehicle from the team for ***** and giggles!

And stats servers are they bugged? Just asking since playing last week the scoreboard and end of round stats are slow to load or never load at all.

Had some good games last night with some of you guys. Once I joined, even though I left the server queue was taking far too long!! and joined what I thought was just a random game to play on. It joined me with you lot! That friends party needs some work.

Also for me there is a mismatch with Origin friends list and BF1 friends. Some people show up on Origin client fine... but in game there not there at all.. :confused:

Before that though was on server with some support hacker... rank 3 with an m1909 and 100+ kills, everyone else about 50 kills. More or less one hit people from about 300 meters away or more. At the time I was playing support to get my class up to speed and had that weapon too for a bit.... never hit anything 100 meters away never mind 300.... :rolleyes:
A few things which are spoiling it for me is the sheer amount of snipers:( When they get their fake heads out you get 50+ glints all over the place.
What FPS were you playing 30 yrs ago?!

I had a few for my BBC Micro back then.....

I agree re the optimisation, runs superbly out of the box with my i7 870, 780ti, 8Gb RAM @ 5760x1080,noticeable improvement over BF4 and Battlefront,I've not felt the need to tweak anything yet. :)
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