*** Battlefield 1 ***

I have no issue with the 10-A up close, it should be a 1HK, but the range is too much. You only have to watch JF's vid to see that.

Out of interest, you say the 10-A isn't OP, yet no one uses the other shotguns do they? Why is that? ;)
I have no issue with the 10-A up close, it should be a 1HK, but the range is too much. You only have to watch JF's vid to see that.

Out of interest, you say the 10-A isn't OP, yet no one uses the other shotguns do they? Why is that? ;)

I use the hellfighter shotgun frequently, if not more often. It's less powerful but a lot quicker.
As I am normally a medic class, shotguns can be a pain as the recoil on the weapons e.g. Selbslader Optical is no match unless you spray like a noob and miss every shot unless your lucky.

10-A is the one I hate because mostly of the accuracy than the damage, for example your down a hallway and get one shotted from over 10m+ away.

If you see me on BF1 I go by the name of Mulder198333, last game was on Amiens over 300 heals :D
as i put already jack frogs done a video on it. basically guarenteed nerf now.

its a shotgun.of course you would be dead at close range.on a open map you dead with it.

there is no issue with it.just same as always nerf everything so the lows can be happy :D

funny thing is in all the great fps games they leave them in. why??

because both sides have them !!!! :p

no need to nerf if both sides have same gun then its just down to player skill. if you getting wrecked then play different or better .dont blame the gun. ;)
A10 is nothing. Automatico 1918 storm is beastly. If you miss with the A10 at close range the opposition has a chance. With 1918 just run in and hip fire everything with ease.

I am only level 41 and my favourite weapon is the mondragon storm with around 200ish kills. It took me less than half the time to get the same amount of kills with the Automatico 1918.
Had the best plane kill the other day but forgot to pull it from Shadowplay. Shot a fighter in the wing with a normal rifle bullet and that obviously did it, plane went into a mental spin. Was just like a Michael Bay movie :D

My name is Alexander Hassoon and I’m the Producer on the Rent-a-Server program in Battlefield 1. I wanted to take some time to talk to you about what we have in store for it in in the near future.

Firstly, I need to cover some history! In previous Battlefield titles, Rent-a-Server was handled in-game on console by EA while PC was handled outside the game client by third-party providers. This setup gave PC server admins a large amount of control on the game server but often at the cost of the overall player experience. The console server admins had very little control, but the player experience was very similar to playing on official servers. We all remember how as a player you would end up on a server that did not allow certainly gameplay elements and you would be kicked or banned immediately by accidentally using one of the restricted items!

So the challenge we set to ourselves at DICE was as follows - How can we increase admin control levels while not sacrificing the player experience?

We started by implementing PC Rent-a-Server to the Battlefield 1 game client with the release of the Nov 15 patch. It was a very tough call to make but we felt it had to be done to offer a consistent experience for all players and allowed us control of the admin options there are.

We added a lot of customization options that were not natively available in the game client before, features such as Class Restrictions, Weapon Class Restriction and Explosives Restrictions. Server admins in Battlefield 1 can now control all these options while the players won’t be punished for using them by mistake.

So what does the future hold for the Rent-a-Server program in Battlefield 1?

We will continue working on adding more features and tools as well as a bunch of other cool stuff which we aren’t quite ready to talk about just now.

We see the Rent-a-Server program in Battlefield 1 very much as a live service that will evolve over time based on your feedback, so keep it coming as we hear you loud and clear.

Alexander “Striterax” Hassoon


"but often at the cost of the overall player experience."

i love BF1, but one thing keeps nagging me. How overplayed assault is in this game.

now i love all classes but the assault is OP. i know in WW2 assault would have been the most used role too. but this is a game.

Weapons - best CQ/medium distance weapons
Gadgets - Best gadgets to take down Vehicles
Grenades - Carry even more anti tank

personally think Assault needs its Heavy Anti-tank grenades removed & moved else where.

Generally if a behemoth spawns assault is just to powerful not to go.

i personally roll Medic, almost always but theirs nothing is really compelling me to play support/Sniper at all. (and i love sniping)

Just assault has to meany pros for me..
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