*** Battlefield 1 ***

I am getting so ******* sick of ******** players who are medics and dont revive. You have one primary job as a medic, heal and revive. Its not ******* rocket science. If you want to play like an assaulter then ******* pick assault. Its like playing a goddamn mmo where the healer in the group doesnt rez. He would soon get kicked out of the damn group. Stupid ******* brainless *****

I know it's stupid but you can play medic with out taking the revive syringe. I've actually found it a bit better the past few day, one round I got revived 5 times!
I know it's stupid but you can play medic with out taking the revive syringe. I've actually found it a bit better the past few day, one round I got revived 5 times!

I'm lucky if I get 1 res now, it was ok at first but in the last week its become more and more rare to get a revive. Sickens me to the pit of my sacks. Cant count how many flags have been lost because the **** of a "medic" ( and I use the term in the loosest sense possible ) stood 3m away didnt bother to revive me or worse still, lacked the ability to do the biggest major thing that ONLY his class can do and promptly got himself sniped. *******
I know it's stupid but you can play medic with out taking the revive syringe. I've actually found it a bit better the past few day, one round I got revived 5 times!

No don't you see, in WW1 most of the front line units that charged were medics because they carried the insta heal medpacks and automatic machine smgs. They were the beserkers of their time.
Personally I think things are only going to get more "casualised" with each new release, been heading that direction since BC 2 > BF 3 > BF 4/Hardline > Battlefront > BF 1 and with the EA CEO's apology about the lack of depth/content for battlefront because they wanted the game to be "accessible to people of all ages", this only confirms their market now :(

You missed TeamBattleFortress BF Heros, where does that fit in your time line? :p
Still enjoying it, but do find that unbalanced games happen far too often. Then people just start leaving and it makes it worse.

The best games are the somewhat close ones, but they seem to be few and far between.
I do love the WW1 games, but I miss the flare of the original BF series. I find that there is a lack of content and once you have achieve lvl10 then pretty much every weapon is unlock able. I usually play medic and already I am rank 26 have the best gun for that class.

The one thing I liked about BF3 for instance as you get to higher ranks more items come unlock able for that particular weapon, it would be good if you could customize your own skin for your weapon, different load-outs, had cosmetic stuff like squad badges on clothes I.e squad clan badge
I do love the WW1 games, but I miss the flare of the original BF series. I find that there is a lack of content and once you have achieve lvl10 then pretty much every weapon is unlock able. I usually play medic and already I am rank 26 have the best gun for that class.

The one thing I liked about BF3 for instance as you get to higher ranks more items come unlock able for that particular weapon, it would be good if you could customize your own skin for your weapon, different load-outs, had cosmetic stuff like squad badges on clothes I.e. squad clan badge
you get spammed with global ban messages daily. at least 10 per round, is there a way to disable this?

I see this daily, the one weapon that needs to be nurfed Is the type 10 shotgun:mad::mad:, one shot kill even a mid range, I've see squad players of 5 get sprayed by this stupid op gun it's beyond a joke.

Tanks seem ok to me, but planes are also too OP. Nice to see they changed the tickets to 250 on operation seems more balanced but still quite easy particularly on ballroom blitz.
I see this daily, the one weapon that needs to be nurfed Is the type 10 shotgun:mad::mad:, one shot kill even a mid range, I've see squad players of 5 get sprayed by this stupid op gun it's beyond a joke.

Tanks seem ok to me, but planes are also too OP. Nice to see they changed the tickets to 250 on operation seems more balanced but still quite easy particularly on ballroom blitz.

The 10-A is ludicrous I must admit. It seems that every player who gets me with a shotgun is doing it with a 10-A. Its at the point where really DICE could remove every other shotgun in the game and people would be perfectly happy. As you say, I've even been dropped by it at midrange. Clearly this is where the nations of WW1 went wrong, they should have just filled the frontlines with people carrying 10-As :D

Tanks are ok, they can do enormous damage with a well organised squad in them but they are also easily countered by a few people working together (pfft..yea..like that happens in most BF games :p )

I find the Fighter planes are about right, but the bombers are simply stupid. They take WAY too much damage.

Horses are the other stupid thing, a direct hit from a tank and the horse just carries on , I've come to the conclusion that they arent really horses but magically enchanted unicorns.

The 2 flags added to Suez have essentially made little difference to it as far as I can tell. The problem with that map was that once one side had worked along the flags it became a spawncamping session. Adding 2 more flags in the line simply means it takes longer but still one side ends up with all the flags in the line and spawncamps again. A far better solution IMO , would have been to have put 1 flag either side of the centre flag (so that the layout of flags formed a cross shape), I think that would have stopped it being such a spawncamp fest, but what do I know, Im not paid to design maps :)
I find the Fighter planes are about right, but the bombers are simply stupid. They take WAY too much damage.

Horses are the other stupid thing, a direct hit from a tank and the horse just carries on , I've come to the conclusion that they arent really horses but magically enchanted unicorns.

A fully manned bomber is invincible to all but AA emplacements. It can gib planes that try to shoot them down, and no one can coordinate multiple fighters to hit that.

And the horses actually were given a buff

"Turned off doppler effect on horses"

So they literally exist beyond the physical realm.
Got no issue with the shotgun, it's useless after 15 meters away, and 2 shot kill between 10/15. Close 1/4's a shotgun is the choice weapon.


I fear as usual they'll nerf it because the whiny kids will be in their faces about it. Hopefully only a nerf over distance.

It truly is rubbish when not close range. So i don't see the issue. They can be taken down easy with a quick SMG or just at range.
Anything over 10 meters I can take down a shotgunner with almost any other gun, I admit I use it but only on the Jungle map which I switch between the A10 and the M1918 which mostly I come off better than the other A10 guy
It's a weird thing. I get chewed out for using an Automatico but i spend most of my talking walking round corners into Shotguns. Which i dont mind, because why gimp yourself?

I looooooove the Light Tank. Love it. Flimsy enough that i dont feel like im cheesing, but quick enough to give me a chance.
Love the M1918 Storm my favorite weapon absolutely rips, love it when a sniper is taking shots at me from halfway across the map so I run at him zig zag style and take him out with it.
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