*** Battlefield 1 ***

It amazes me that after the catastrophe that was BF4 would have made then take more care and pride in their games. It's very clear this isn't the case. BF1 is a complete shocker of a game.

Are they trying to alienate their player base?

Some of the basic features of the game are totally ****ed. Quitting for example is a complete chore and why oh why did they have to screw with the squad/join system. What a complete and utter joke!

1. It isn't a shocker of a game, far from it.

2. If you don't like it, why are you posting in the Battlefield 1 thread about how bad it is? Go play something else.

3. The squad system is working fine for me. Add guys to your squad, join a game and everyone is pulled into that game.

The game has its problems, like most games but to say it's a shocker of a game is just plain wrong. I'll never understand people who don't like something then come into a thread to rip the game. Just go to the Division thread. Last time I played that, matchmaking was 10x worse than BF1
Depends on perspective - if this was a smaller/newer studio it would be one thing but graphics/atmosphere aside its a bit weak for a company with the resources and experience of Dice/EA.

Finding it a bit weak and a shocker of a game are 2 very different things. I find it much better than BF4 was at launch. It's also a better game than at least 90% of the games that have came out this year. They could have just released a BF4.5 like what seems to be the norm these days but they thought outside the box. It could be doing with more maps etc but we know we'll get that in future DLC. DICE aren't the only ones pulling that stunt.

Like most multiplayer focused games, I feel you get out what you put in and they are much better while in a squad of mates.
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BF4 pretty much was bf 3.5 with new and reworked old maps and some of the things that didn't make the release of bf3. Levolution was a tired, sad gimmick that seemed to die off for the most part when they started rolling out the map packs.

I remember the battlefield twitter account blowing its load posting that bloody skyscraper collapsing it seemed like every other day til BF4 released, the irony was that map went to **** when the skyscraper came down, as did frame-rates for the most part.
1. It isn't a shocker of a game, far from it.

2. If you don't like it, why are you posting in the Battlefield 1 thread about how bad it is? Go play something else.

3. The squad system is working fine for me. Add guys to your squad, join a game and everyone is pulled into that game.

The game has its problems, like most games but to say it's a shocker of a game is just plain wrong. I'll never understand people who don't like something then come into a thread to rip the game. Just go to the Division thread. Last time I played that, matchmaking was 10x worse than BF1

lol :rolleyes:

I spent a good few hours playing yesterday and I can't deny it's pretty but they have a lot of work to do. Servers are hit and miss which is highly frustrating. Last time I checked, opinions weren't against posting in threads. You've kind of missed the point thought, as an investment it's very very poor. There's nothing to understand, venting frustrating is probably the #1 reason for posting.

Squads is royally ****ed! I mean, if you're part of a party and miss the initial server join message, there is no way of re-joining on your party members unless you close the game and join through the Origin UI. No visual indication to loading screen, seemingly still connected to another/previous server without being told/requested to leave before joining the new one. Not to mention the dreaded quit button, Alt + F4 is the saviour.

As for Division, I've never used the match making so can't really comment. I've always joined people who are players here and it works just fine, as does the game.
Not getting any performance issues but I am getting a lot of lock ups with the end of round screens and when quitting.

Quitting is a total nightmare. I tried to quit this morning and while I was attempting to close, made a coffee, had a smoke and went to the loo. Came back and it was still quitting before telling me I'd lost connection to the server...yeah, no ****.
People moan about the A10, I unlocked the top black and gold skin for the 12g automatic shotgun and it's an absolute monster, same range but if their over 15 meter you can soon get off 3 rounds which will drop them in less than a second flat and if you miss close range it only takes about 0.1 to get the second round off where as the A10 is longer.
Not getting any performance issues but I am getting a lot of lock ups with the end of round screens and when quitting.

This is why they didn't have a persistent quit button, as it loads the next map during the end of round screen.

People moaned, DICE said it causes issues, people moaned. DICE added quit button, it causes issues lol.

Best thing is to load the new map then quit when you get to the spawn screen. :)
People moan about the A10, I unlocked the top black and gold skin for the 12g automatic shotgun and it's an absolute monster, same range but if their over 15 meter you can soon get off 3 rounds which will drop them in less than a second flat and if you miss close range it only takes about 0.1 to get the second round off where as the A10 is longer.

i agree, i actually think the trench gun (think its called that) is better than the a10 anyway.. fires a lot faster

the a10 is just the most common one and people like to moan about guns they cant use.. if you use a sniper your a "sniper noob", use a shotgun your a "shotgun noob", use a tank... etc etc
any and everyone can use the shotgun lol its probably the easiest gun in the game to use :) the tight built up areas are the best to stay in with them though
Loving it myself, I don't snipe but do the rest of the classes, have a terrible k/d but that means jack in bf1

Flying about on a horse is pure fun, level 65, 150 hours in, been playing these games since bf1942 and this is better than the last couple to me
Adding to the list of things that seem to happen post patch that I didn't experience before...

Sometimes you press fire with a weapon and it just doesn't do anything.

On a side note, just switched to using the peep sight on the automatico and it's way nicer/easier to use than the standard open sight.
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