*** Battlefield 1 ***

Can someone explain to me why a multiplayer game like BF1 does not have a balance teams option available? What would the rationale be for leaving it out? Will it be a payed DLC in the future?
I honestly think shotguns should be removed from fps games like this. The trouble with them is the balancing. They have to be one hit kill at close range, but how do you balance this against making smgs useful only at shorter ranges without giving them so much range that they impede on assault rifles. All shotties ever seem to do is annoy people. Yes we can balance them and severely limit the range or everyone can change to them to counter but in the end they are still easy mode weapons that are just frustrating to play against. It's not a war simulator so we don't have to have shotties.

Maybe learn to play the game a bit better? It's okay, it can take a little while for some.
I used to do a lot of shooting and ive shot rabbits in the head with a shotgun at close range and theres nothing left of its head really after lol
Just got this last night what's the best game mode to play does everyone just play operations ? Seems like a pretty good game mode to be fair , getting 100fps at max settings in 1440p ... Man this has to be the nicest looking game I've ever seen, just find myself looking at the screen/environments , which ultimately leads to my death haha ... Great sound effects too , reminds me of bf1942 :D
Maybe learn to play the game a bit better? It's okay, it can take a little while for some.

Honestly considered not responding to this. But ....Jesus that is some serious condescension you have there mate. I really have to wonder if you are this arrogant out from behind a keyboard?? That is all I will say on that, and sorry for off topic.

I acknowledge that my thoughts on shotties could be applied to snipers but I personally don't feel they have the same balancing issues and can be countered by terrain and even running patterns, whereas shotties are a lot harder to counter with tactics at the ranges they are designed for and it often comes down to a cod like twitch play.
2x1080s and barely get above 90 now with dips to 20fps
Flickering textures. Canne ALT+TAB as it crashes
I was fine like 7 days ago
**** off DICE

I'm getting MUCH bigger drops and overall lower fps than I was before as well, I have read on the net that apparently ea are aware of the problems and are working towards a fix, it happened to me and many others since the big update not so long ago, oh I havnt downloaded new drivers either before anyone says its the drivers lol its defo since the update
It amazes me that after the catastrophe that was BF4 would have made then take more care and pride in their games. It's very clear this isn't the case. BF1 is a complete shocker of a game.

Are they trying to alienate their player base?

Some of the basic features of the game are totally ****ed. Quitting for example is a complete chore and why oh why did they have to screw with the squad/join system. What a complete and utter joke!
I do think the game is playing worse now than it did before the last the patch.

On a side note, they really need to do something about the Model-10 A. It's simply too powerful and has too great a range were it will still do a decent amount of damage.

On Monte Grappe earlier it we basically spent the round playing against an enemy team of just, Snipers or Model-10 A users.
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