*** Battlefield 1 ***

Again from trying BF1 today,I still think it has some major flaws.

1.Too many damn people playing Recon (on Conquest) i think they should put a limit to how many people per side can be Recon...you spawn,die to snipe,Spawn again somewhere else,Get sniped..can barely make it to the capture points without been bloody sniped all the time.

2.Pistols seem under-powered.

Also,not sure if anyone else has experienced this BUT when playing with Ultra graphics with DX12 its hard to see enemy's,i cant quite explain it but i just dont see them with all the fancy graphics.

Going to knock back a few settings to see if this fixes the issue for me.

Still,I dont think BF1 is anywhere near as good as the past Battlefields,BF4 over BF1 anyday.
Also,not sure if anyone else has experienced this BUT when playing with Ultra graphics with DX12 its hard to see enemy's,i cant quite explain it but i just dont see them with all the fancy graphics.

Going to knock back a few settings to see if this fixes the issue for me.

Visually dx12 is no different to dx11, it just performs worse.
Adding to the list of things that seem to happen post patch that I didn't experience before...

Sometimes you press fire with a weapon and it just doesn't do anything.

Yeah happened to me loads today and happens nearly every time I've been revived :confused: pre patch it just happened when I spawned in a tank so some slight progress from dice hehe :p
I got revived last night as support and my lmg was stuck in iron sights mode in a firing animation but with nothing actually firing out of it, fixed by switching weapons just looked weird :p
Gone back to bf4 after 50 or so hours of bf1.

Hate to say it but the infantry combat feels far smoother and responsive than bf1, feels almost floaty in bf1 with n weight behind it.

The performance has also taken a nosedive, on an i7 with a 980ti and am regularly dropping below 60 on certain maps.

Will come back for the next patch and hope they made some improvements otherwise back to bf4 to the next rehash.
Why do AT grenades kill infantry ?

AT mines don't kill infantry.

The description say 'on impact' - Implying on impact with a tank.

Yet you killed killed by AT gren spam ?
Why do AT grenades kill infantry ?

AT mines don't kill infantry.

The description say 'on impact' - Implying on impact with a tank.

Yet you killed killed by AT gren spam ?

Because they still have a fuse that explodes the grenade, would be a bit pointless if you missed and it just sat there. Pretty sure in real life it worked on a fuse like a regular grenade, i think the impact thing is just done for the game.
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Why do AT grenades kill infantry ?

AT mines don't kill infantry.

The description say 'on impact' - Implying on impact with a tank.

Yet you killed killed by AT gren spam ?

smh... a grenade designed to damage a tanks armour and you think its just going to tickle infantry?
The lack of auto balance is amazing. Just played a game of conquest and we had 7 on our team against 21 on the opponents.
Game feels it's taken a step back since the patch. Things that really bother me most at the moment:

- going prone can still throw you across map
- revive bug where you're forced to switch weapons
- can't quit game half the time (LOL)
- medals are completely broken...still

Plus lots of other minor bugs. Also it feels really unbalanced as others have said. Had a 64player conquest game where one team had over 10 extra players 5mins in. Hope we get another patch soon. Definitely enjoying this patch less than the state at launch.
^ The prone thing is really annoying, just makes you start sliding around all over the place. If dice wanted to stop people clipping through objects why doesn't it just make your character model stop dead when pressing against one? Instead of this jelly like routine where you can squish against it as long as you hold in the direction, when you let go you start sliding away from it.
I want them to bring the old firing mechanic back so you can tap fire weapons like you used to in previous BF games rather than spray and pray that you're encouraged to use in BF1.
well bf1 is acting super weird for me lol just had 2 full games on conquest and tonight for some reason I was getting GREAT fps again, it never dropped below 70fps on the first map and aimens which I have always had spike drops into the 40s never really dropped much below 60fps?

I find this strange as since the patch ive been struggling to get decent frames and have had massive drops into the 30fps and now all of a sudden I'm getting great frames again ? lol, there hasn't been another update and I was in 64 player games so not sure whats changed.

if it stays like this I can enjoy the game again as it was unplayable for me yesterday and ever since the patch
Heres a little vid of battlefield 1 running on my setup, as you can see the cpu is at 100% nearly all the time but the gpu is also nearly maxed most the time, on this map i was suffering drops to 30fps after the patch but tonight for some reason im getting better performance again? everything is maxed out including AA, quality isnt the best, looks great until i upload it to youtube lol

im still getting the rare slight stutter though at times even though im using gsync
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My FPS has definitely been worse since the patch - could tell even without an FPS counter, it was chugging hard on certain maps.

Played a few games over the weekend with decent hitreg - went out, came back on a few hours later and felt like I was shooting BB's at people - absolutely nothing registering at all :mad:
My FPS has definitely been worse since the patch - could tell even without an FPS counter, it was chugging hard on certain maps.

Played a few games over the weekend with decent hitreg - went out, came back on a few hours later and felt like I was shooting BB's at people - absolutely nothing registering at all :mad:

Quite enjoyed playing along side you, you're a very effective medic.
Heres a little vid of battlefield 1 running on my setup, as you can see the cpu is at 100% nearly all the time but the gpu is also nearly maxed most the time, on this map i was suffering drops to 30fps after the patch but tonight for some reason im getting better performance again? everything is maxed out including AA, quality isnt the best, looks great until i upload it to youtube lol

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