*** Battlefield 1 ***

Thats my thinking too... This will run and run though all the DLC's I'd imagine.

BF Easter eggs are more important that weapon balance these days with DICE! :D

Why balance weapon's when you can have one weapon to rule them all, for the price of a dog tag.
I just couldn't help myself! Its actually not too bad once you get in the rhythm of it. I did it over the last few evenings.


Also on Fort De Veax...

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Which one should I buy?
Last bf I played was bf3 and I really liked it.
I can get the bf1 for £25. Not sure about pricing of bf4.

as someone who loved bf3 + bf4 and owns all three i would say go for 4.. bf1 is fun for a bit but gets boring quick and is very rage-inducing
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