*** Battlefield 1 ***

I stopped playing this about a year ago. Is it still crap?

Couldnt really answer that, I liked it a year ago and I still like it now so for me theres been no change. Hopefully someone on here who thought it was crap a year ago will have played it again recently and can answer whether someone who found it crap a year ago would now like it or still find it crap :)
This could be bad, really bad. Untested DICE designed systems going live in the main game, guaranteed to work without a hitch, right.....

Or it could be a case of stay in the party and let the peasants suffer.
This could be bad, really bad. Untested DICE designed systems going live in the main game, guaranteed to work without a hitch, right.....

Or it could be a case of stay in the party and let the peasants suffer.

Cant really see that making a blind bit of difference tbh. Most of the time, on our clan server, when things get "unbalanced" its almost always just the case that either our clan is grouped together or another clan is grouped together and that voice comms advantage that the clan players have is what makes things unbalanced. Not necessarily due to levels or anything like that, the voice comms can make all the difference to a squad impact on a server. Its an exercise in futility imo, I really dont think there is any way to effectively balance a server, random players will just have to accept that clans who group up together are always going to be at an advantage
Good good. Looking forward to it a lot. Having a blast on the game at the moment

From experience, I suspect the games will get tougher for a month or so after the patch as a combination of very good players return to check out the changes and get stacked against us while the potatoes also return and get put on our team ;)
That and whatever new missions/weapon unlocks get added which mean no one plays the objectives.

The autobalancer doesn't sound like it will pose a problem if we party up, but I expect DICE will break party join as usual (for balance). It's platoon join that tends to work best. Weapon changes will be interesting, should shift the meta loadouts a bit...
The balancer sounds good, often I've thought why haven't they implemented a balancer when one team is stacked against the other.

Changes to weapon metadata. Do the weapons need changing?
This could be bad, really bad. Untested DICE designed systems going live in the main game, guaranteed to work without a hitch, right.....

Or it could be a case of stay in the party and let the peasants suffer.

Nice DICE, nice...

I paid for this game, stop ******* with something and changing the product that I've paid for!!

It's been out and has been played for about 15 months. Why implement this now? STAAAHHPP.
The balancer sounds good, often I've thought why haven't they implemented a balancer when one team is stacked against the other.

Changes to weapon metadata. Do the weapons need changing?

MG14 is seriously op. I can John rambo with that thing and kill people easy. I would also remove 1HK snipers if it was me. Most annoying thing ever for me. I would also argue that 5 magazine medic weapons should be 2 shot kill to balance out the mag issues.
I think they need to do something about team switchers too, I see it many times, a team starts getting pushed back with only one flag and just watching the scoreboard you can see people moving over to the dominant side and others rage quit, making it even more unbalanced.
Will be on tonight to see how the game runs now.

I don't expect it will be running well for a couple of days at least. The servers will be in turmoil due to the update (probably find the new maps are more resource hungry than the last), and the usual near doubling of player population for a while as people check out the new content. Happens every time.

I need to find out which medic weapon to use now, the farquar might be even more beastly now while my beloved federov might have to go into storage. I'll miss the fed, using it on the FNB servers on Friday where for some bizzare reason the server settings were 125% damage, I was one shotting EA employees at medium-long distances. I'm hoping that my stats being 0 this morning is due to the server resets rather than me killing Atic over and over. :D
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