*** Battlefield 1 ***

I don't expect it will be running well for a couple of days at least. The servers will be in turmoil due to the update (probably find the new maps are more resource hungry than the last), and the usual near doubling of player population for a while as people check out the new content. Happens every time.

I need to find out which medic weapon to use now, the farquar might be even more beastly now while my beloved federov might have to go into storage. I'll miss the fed, using it on the FNB servers on Friday where for some bizzare reason the server settings were 125% damage, I was one shotting EA employees at medium-long distances. I'm hoping that my stats being 0 this morning is due to the server resets rather than me killing Atic over and over. :D

1907 sweeper is beastly now. Do not know what to make of this patch though. It promotes more camping due to increased ttk of everything.
1907 sweeper is beastly now. Do not know what to make of this patch though. It promotes more camping due to increased ttk of everything.

Erm decreased TTK. Many guns will now kill with one less bullet at certain medium to long ranges.

Not necessarily the final values, but here is some analysis by InteimAegis from symthic:

InterimAegis said:
Biggest winners:
Autoloading 8 .25 Extended
M1907 Factory
M1907 Trench (if you like hip firing, this is now the best one)
M1903 Experimental (largest damage buff)
C96 Trench (significant damage buff)
Chauchat Low Weight (better at single fire anyway and quite good <20 m and >40 m; mediocre at mid-range)

Biggest losers:
Mondragon (literally all variants dead last)
General Liu and Selbstlader 1906 (Autoloading 8 .35 range buff brought these back to the pack)
Storm variants (they still underperform Opticals and Factories unless your recoil is +/- 0.5 Horizontal Recoil or larger)

Best weapons by engagement distance
0-22 m: Autoloading 8 .25 Extended
22-30 m: Fedorov Avtomat Optical (stupidly small window)
30-54 m: Farquhar-Hill Optical
54+ m: Selbstlader 1916 Factory/Optical

Best all-around weapons (composite score > 50%)
1. RSC Optical/Factory
2. Autoloading 8 .35 Marksman/Factory
3. Autoloading 8 .25 Extended
4. M1907 SL Factory
5. Fedorov Avtomat Optical
6. Farquhar-Hill Optical
7. Cei-Rigotti Optical/Factory
Honorable Mention #1: M1907 Trench
Honorable Mention #2: Selbstlader 1906 Factory
Honorable Mention #3: Selbstlader 1916 Optical

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The Autoloading 8 .25 Extended looks like it will be worth revisiting.
It does look like it from the Symthic stats and forum anecdotes, I meant to give it a try last night, must try harder. There doesn't appear to be a gun that is a clear meta for all ranges though.

Swinbag said:
Haven't managed to play yet, how are people finding the weapon balance post-patch?
I think people are still finding their way TBH. The support weapons seemed more of a threat than before, I managed alright with the federov trench, but maybe I wasn't always up against a more effective weapon/player combo. Time will tell when people start to settle on their new weapon and playstyles.
They've nerfed the Bar Storm. It was a beast pre-patch. Not any more.

Still finding my way around the guns. Gonna have to retry loads of stuff to find what works.

The Madsen MG Low Weight stood out.


Not sure what to make of the maps. I appreciate what they have tried to do with the boats, but I find the flow of the maps to be a bit broken.

You spend the majority of your time out at sea miles away from the action (Heligoland) the other map isn't so bad.
RSC is pretty awesome now - shame they've managed to introduce the 'esc' bug now where the whole screen freezes for 2 seconds; never change Dice, never change.
RSC is pretty awesome now - shame they've managed to introduce the 'esc' bug now where the whole screen freezes for 2 seconds; never change Dice, never change.

Although it can be very unforgiving with the mag size. Even still in the right hands it is devastating. I was accused of cheating when I used it last!
Sorry about the failed attempt to balance the server last night guys, the server was about to die. It works sometimes, but we all need to switch at the same time.
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