Battlefield 2 Revive

Is the macro powered dolphin diving still in-tact? Many a game ruined.

2142 was my favourite, problem is with BF1 around the corner, and going back to old games never living up to my rose tinted memories I am expecting mild disappointment :(
It is free as long as you register with that website ( You then download an installer which downloads the rest of the game (via torrents from others presumably).

i like that it has widescreen support, though the menu's are completely messed up.

Does anyone remember if you can map flight controls to a joypad? (like the 360 controller)
It's completely free. There's no updated graphics. It's literally exactly the same as vanilla but with added maps and bug fixes that DICE never bothered with.

Ranks/unlocks are all there provided you play on the servers that have them turned on (which are the majority I believe).

It's all pretty much made possible by Project Reality dev Ancient Man writing a new back end which was originally used by PR.
yes. very simple.

1. Register on their website.
2.Download the installer.
3. Log in on the installer. This downloads the game.
4. Start playing.
It isn't without its issues. The biggest one for me at the moment is draw distance for jets. It feels like they just disappear too soon!
Can you disable the toggle aim down sight? Don't like that and would rather hold for aim.

oh yeah.. that is also very annoying.

As is the fact that:
- you can't move and use the command screen
- pressing esc takes you to the menu, which loads slowly and then is slow to get out of too!

I don't see these getting changed. I just feel very lucky that there are people out there who have taken the time to release this and doubly lucky that DICE/EA haven't sent them a cease and desist!
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