*** Battlefield 2042 (Console) ***

What's the difference between the Xbox versions? Game have a sale on and the Xbox One version is £40 and the Series X version is £50. I'd be after the Series X version but I was under the impression the Smart delivery thing meant you only really 'had' one copy?

Also, how is it playing now? Decided to hang fire for a month or two for patches and such.

Cashed in my Tesco vouchers to pick this up on the PS5 for £15.00. I've played every BF game from 3 onwards and I'm plenty surprised by this after reading lots of poor feedback. I'd figured I'd see my money back and them some if it was broken.

The UI is a bit pants (to say the least) and I seem to be disproportionately dying a lot, but since I've unlocked the 2nd assault rife that seems to be easing a bit. Whether that is actually helping or I'm just getting used to the way it plays I'm not sure yet.

No huge bugs or glitches as yet, at least that I have noticed.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, I'm careful with my angles and all that stuff, but I seem to unload at someone get nowhere and they 1 shot kill me (unless that is a bug!)
I'm currently playing on both Series X and PS5 and really enjoying it.

Still learning and unlocking stuff and enjoying the ride.

Looks like the patches since release have helped and it can only get better I hope.

You want the Series X version if that's the system you have it believe it was up to the developer if they supported smart delivery or not and guess they didn't.
Cashed in my Tesco vouchers to pick this up on the PS5 for £15.00. I've played every BF game from 3 onwards and I'm plenty surprised by this after reading lots of poor feedback. I'd figured I'd see my money back and them some if it was broken.

The UI is a bit pants (to say the least) and I seem to be disproportionately dying a lot, but since I've unlocked the 2nd assault rife that seems to be easing a bit. Whether that is actually helping or I'm just getting used to the way it plays I'm not sure yet.

No huge bugs or glitches as yet, at least that I have noticed.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated, I'm careful with my angles and all that stuff, but I seem to unload at someone get nowhere and they 1 shot kill me (unless that is a bug!)

Make sure crossplay is off otherwise you just get absolutely beamed by the PC lot
Good advice.

Does crossplay disabled make it Xbox v PlayStation ??

No unfortunately, just Xbox v xbox.

Hopefully DICE will sort that out as BF could do with the boost to the player count.

Crossplay definitely turned off and I can only see PS logos against other players. I'm slowly improving, definitely a case of moving slowly and being less gung-ho works for me.

I use the turret specialist. The turret is good at pointing out nearby enemies and gives you time to focus in one direction more without constantly looking over your shoulder.
I use the turret specialist. The turret is good at pointing out nearby enemies and gives you time to focus in one direction more without constantly looking over your shoulder.

Thanks for the heads up on the turret - I switched to that last night and had a couple of hours just on TDM and I got more kills and died less than any session so far :)
I am enjoying this on PS5 but the controls feel so strange to me.

The aim sensitivity and the way it moved just feels off and don't get me started on the sensitivity when in a tank it feels so weird.

Need to watch some YouTube videos to understand all the settings.

Maybe I've played Warzone for to long.
I am enjoying this on PS5 but the controls feel so strange to me.

The aim sensitivity and the way it moved just feels off and don't get me started on the sensitivity when in a tank it feels so weird.

Need to watch some YouTube videos to understand all the settings.

Maybe I've played Warzone for to long.
Warzone (and COD in general) has some really odd aim assist where at times it feels way too strong and you wouldn't be able to move between a big group of players if you were ADS! But it's definitely got 'better' aim assist in Warzone than on 2042.

One of the really great console guys on 2042 just put his settings video out, he plays on PS5 as well so might be worth looking to see what he does and then adjust some so they work for you? I swap from playing on PC to PS5 every few days (but playing the PS4 version so I can play with friends who are still on PS4) and it's definitely worth playing around the different 'zoom snap' and 'aim assist strength' settings, and definitely looking at aim acceleration too.

Haven't played for a bit, 2 games today and 50% AI at the start. 5+ minutes in and still 20 AI on each team. Game is a proper state. Its not helped by the fact that once a game ends that server is over and the search starts again.
Haven't played for a bit, 2 games today and 50% AI at the start. 5+ minutes in and still 20 AI on each team. Game is a proper state. Its not helped by the fact that once a game ends that server is over and the search starts again.
Assume you're playing with crossplay off and playing on Xbox?

Obviously not that this should be a consideration - but I think PS5 (with crossplay off) doesn't have the same problem because the game launched with the option for PS5 users to switch crossplay off. Whereas it was only added later on for Xbox users.
Yeah Xbox with crossplay off, i'd imagine majority would have disabled it when it was brought in and could be done via Xbox settings priot to that anyway.
After purchasing Hell Let Loose, I have uninstalled this. HLL is just a much better game, might not be perfect yet but for a battlefield experience its brilliant, it feels like you are in an episode of Band of Brothers, it also has something called squad play, something non existent in BF now.
Yeah Xbox with crossplay off, i'd imagine majority would have disabled it when it was brought in and could be done via Xbox settings priot to that anyway.
Yeah - I do think that the vast majority of people that play games have no idea about crossplay and either don't know or don't care to turn it off.

I honestly think Apex have nailed the way to do crossplay. Consoles together by default, PC on it's own. If someone on console crossplays with someone on PC then they go into the wider 'crossplay' pool that includes everyone.
Yeah - I do think that the vast majority of people that play games have no idea about crossplay and either don't know or don't care to turn it off.

I honestly think Apex have nailed the way to do crossplay. Consoles together by default, PC on it's own. If someone on console crossplays with someone on PC then they go into the wider 'crossplay' pool that includes everyone.

Have to agree with that. Wish all games would follow.
Yeah - I do think that the vast majority of people that play games have no idea about crossplay and either don't know or don't care to turn it off.

I honestly think Apex have nailed the way to do crossplay. Consoles together by default, PC on it's own. If someone on console crossplays with someone on PC then they go into the wider 'crossplay' pool that includes everyone.

Hell Let Loose does similar, just xbox and PS when crossplay is enabled although PC is completely separate no matter what setting you use. Players of BF have asked for this for so long, don't understand why they never implemented it.
I'm really enjoying Battlefield 2042 at the moment.

Online and solo I'm enjoying the gameplay.

Just thought I'd say because I see to many people online bashing it, maybe I'm missing something ??
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