Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Most SLI and CFX users are reporting large stutter issues in game even with the latest drivers.

Also, Eyefinity doesn't appear to be working properly in portrait mode.

Anyone else have similar experiences?

Not seeing any of that here, games running quite well.
Played 3 hours of SP and by god this is the best game I think i've ever played! loving it so far! crossfired 6950's chewing through it on ultra/high at 1920x1200 with 90 FOV, no worries ... on 11.10 v3 drivers
Seriously, if ea were that bothered why have they allowed the uk gsp's to switch the uk servers on, for a laugh ?.
Working a treat for me and running beautifully on my 6970 crossfire, as for the VPN they can not ban you. They have already stated on EA support that you will not be banned.

Besides, we're just on vacation with our laptops in Korea right?
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