Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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We need to all get on mumble or something and get playing together! :)

Totally agree with ya! was on mumble but just listening in just now while a get to no ppls voices plus they dont want to listen to a Glaswegien shouting n screaming in there headsets Lol
Ok just to make sure I done this right and don't need to do anythign else:

followed this:


And I have passed the release check! :D

if you want to play online go onto battlelog. log in. then remove proxy etc.

or if not set origin to offline and campaign. remove proxy

Is that it now, just turn the thing back off, no need to have anything else running? Just play the game as normal now?
I just think this is a dodgy vault setting from what I am reading...I often got the "The display driver has stopped responding and has recovered" error.

I tried all that was on forums TDR/Changing performance settings/changing drivers/clean sweep of drivers/memtest86+ none of this worked for long but soon as i changed the bios on my gpu...taaa daaaa played BF3 for 11 hours on ultra settings 1680x1050 with no hiccups at all.

I got my bios from gigabyte website. Anybody else having 560ti probs maybe this would fix it for you. Nothing worse than getting kicked to desktop then having to ctrl+alt+del
Using the Korean proxy and have changed my time zone to match, and Origin still says "Unreleased". Closed and re-opened Origin, rebooted, etc. Nada.

Disappointed Kev :(
Ok just done all the proxy stuff and indeed the game works SP and MP however MP is super laggy at times so tried turning VPN off and won't launch if off.

Still i really enjoyed Caspian borders map, great fun!
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