Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Grand Bazaar is a riot. That Alleyway is a bit of a bottle-neck though but great fun if you have a half decent squad.

Whilst i think of it, anyone just get a black screen when the server changes map? Mine does it quite a bit and i have to ctrl/alt/del to exit the game and rejoin?
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I was reading that EA are unlocking the UK early due to the number of people using VPN. Does anyone know when it will be officially unlocked?
Reading all these posts, I can't wait for my copy to arrive (Couldn't go with GMG as money had already been taken, so hopefully it comes on time!). By the looks of things, it looks like the TFU server is the most popular around here?
Everytime you change graphics settings, do you have to restart game for the settings to take effect like in beta?

I have changed between high and ultra without restarting game and tbh hardly noticed any difference.
I've still seen some really bad flashlights in daylight. The need to sort that out. Put a light sensor on the gun!

If you guys are playing on TFU what voice channels you using ocuk mumble or TFUs
How are flash lights in multiplayer btw ?

Have they been toned down to normal levels ?

Unfortunately not, or if they have toned them down I haven't noticed and it's still like people are carrying around a star in their pocket. Infrared isn't much better either.
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