Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I ordered my copy from game ages back and with everyone in the clan playing their's early i keep checking my inbox to see if i have an email saying it's on its way.....roll on friday :o
God what a game! :D

Here are my thoughts on it so far:

Well after playing for a few hours now:

- The game is unbelievably good, feels much more polished and just a proper game now compared to the beta (surprisingly), runs great, looks great and sounds even better

- TBH the flares were unlocked fairly quick, only had to shoot down like 2 jets/helis and get some damage on others and I had my flares, however the jets just are pointless, you got jets, aa and eng with stingers aiming straight at you as soon as you take off and if they are organised (playing as a team), you be lucky if you even stay in the air for more than 1-2 minutes. I am also near to unlocking the heat seeker missiles

- The cannon seems to do more damage, jets feels a fair bit faster, not as agile though

- The gunplay is great, hard to say what netcode/hit reg is like now, but so far it seems just fine

- The maps are pretty good, some not, however the main thing about conquest and 64 player is that it is too chaotic, just non stop firing and you never know who it is that shot you and where from until killcam shows you, and it makes the game feel just like COD for infantry mode, which ruins it

- The chat box is stupid have it in the same place as beta, but a blue box instead, can't turn it off completely or minimise it and it is hard to read what people are typing, needs to be just like the one in BC 2

- Great news, haven't seen many people running around with super nova flash lights, and the odd few that I have seen the lights have been VERY dim in broad daylight, so no more noobs blinding you in daylight :)

- the contrast/shadows is a hundred times better and you really notice it in caspian border the forest area, can see people a lot easier/clearer now

- I actually think the mini map and spotting isn't too bad for this game, can be very useful and I feel it adds a bit more to the game and makes it more fun than without it

I am enjoying the ground infantry/land vehicles game play a lot more than the jets/helis, and I don't think I will bother with them at all in this (unless they get tweaked) as they just feel too weak (and funnily enough I have noticed that many people aren't really hanging around like it was in the beta to get them any more [usually had like 6 players, now the max I seen is like 2, lol] quite a few times a jet has been left there for a few minutes :O Wonder why that is ;)) when it comes to staying in the air for longer than 2 minutes you don't really stand a chance unless your some real fancy pilot (and I mean damn good).

Just hope I don't get banned or stats reset now! :D :p
Encountered my first cheater. Was a rank 2 driving a tank, his shells only had about a 0.5-1 sec delay so was spamming them and he knew exactly when to fire so that as I moved forward from behind cover in my tank, his shell was already travelling.
Those of you playing how would you rate the gfx? best on pc?:p i mean like compared to Witcher 2 maxed/Crysis 2 with DX11+Texture pack/Metro 2033 etc? also is the singleplayer about same length as MW2?
TBH the game looks great even on low settings and runs very smooth around 50FPS iirc.

My setup is :

W7 64 bit ultimate
HIS 4850 IceQ4 Turbo 512MB
intel i 5 750 stock

runs so much smoother than the beta
Just met my first hacker in BF3. AABaldi was his name.

He warped everyone on defense across the map halfway into a wall where you couldn't move out from or do anything, and shot us. Oh well I guess that's enough for tonight then ;)
Thanks for providing us with the proxy and early access btw. God why did i have to wait so long for this game honestly! Gfx are sweet even on the lower settings, i cant run them on Ultra like Mr damien here but High seems godarn sexy enough. First impressions then, I think i've found my new addiction for a long time now ;) Sad thing is we well never be gone with stupid hackers ruining our fun, sucks to see folks just having to stop playing to get away from them. Hope to see you chaps on the battlefield soon :D
I've found the solution, if you want it, just e-mail me through trust OR post in here and I'll get back to you. Too tired to type it all if nobody is going to use it :).
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hmm, played multiplayer 3 times now - all for about 10-15mins and each time it froze and then crashed either to desktop or blue screen and rebooted :(
This could get frustrating real quick...
Just off BF3, played a few rounds on TFU and SAS, and some good rounds were had!

Only thing that I would change with the server is changing the round to 1 for each map, as sometimes they do drag on a little and it makes it a little boring playing on the same map for so long.

Also does autobalane work? Doesn't seem to on a lot of servers.
i think we should start a pc gaming is ded thread:)
I wonder how much money bf3 helped generate with people buying new kit for their rigs.

you think 2-3 games a year is not dead :eek:

some of us older gamers saw the huge decline, i was hoping consoles falling behind pc hardware might tempt some developers but i guess it hasnt.
most of them could me making games with graphics like BF3 and then porting them to the next generation consoles as soon as they launch but i guess they are happy building more of the same
Just off BF3, played a few rounds on TFU and SAS, and some good rounds were had!

Only thing that I would change with the server is changing the round to 1 for each map, as sometimes they do drag on a little and it makes it a little boring playing on the same map for so long.

Also does autobalane work? Doesn't seem to on a lot of servers.

I think server admins need a bit off time to suss out the best combinations of settings and maps.
I use an x52 and bound all my keys etc, but have yet to use it.
Could you please explain, (if it's a profile, upload it) thanks.

Really hate that I need to fiddle with settings during a live MP session, whoever thought of that idea is a ******* retard.
Just had a quick go of singleplayer and not impressed loading times are very long waited 4mins and just killed the game in task manager. :mad: My PC isn't slow not looking forward to multiplayer now. :(
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