Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Another awsome Match at TFU.

Thegoon84 sort out the lag on large maps.

I’m keeping a really really close eye on all the feedback on our servers, I havent’ actually played the game myself despite it being downloaded and installed haha.

We’ve read that all servers are experiencing lag spikes and occasional rubber banding on the 64play maps. Also I cant remember the name of the night map but we’ve take that out of rotation due to DICE confirming issues with stability when servers full.

Anyone has any problems with the server please please send me a message via trust so I can kick MP *** to sort it out.

I am a proper stats whore when it comes to our servers, if people aren’t happy I’l try my best to get it right.

Can somebody please confirm something for me, I joined the ocuk platoon during the beta on pretty much the first day, but now people are talking about joining again but i am unclear as to whether the platoon we were in in the beta has been reset?

Do i have to join a new one then? I hope not, as I can't log in to Battlelog until i get the game on Friday:(

I’ve created the same platoon I did I BETA, but its already full, DICE only allow 100 members to join then every1 else has to become a fan, we have a second platoon up but that to is now full.

Just off BF3, played a few rounds on TFU and SAS, and some good rounds were had!

Only thing that I would change with the server is changing the round to 1 for each map, as sometimes they do drag on a little and it makes it a little boring playing on the same map for so long.

Also does autobalane work? Doesn't seem to on a lot of servers.

We’ll defo be looking to change the server set up once we get all the feedback from our guys.

Awesome evening on TFU tonight chaps, thanks for having me and my mortar spam :) Nice to have a quality server to call home for BF3

Good to hear man!!!!

I keep getting disconnected from the tfu server is this a bug or something my end? Sorry if this has been answered already.

Not sure mate, I’ve seen a few people who are getting disconnected but not just from our server. Could you let me know if its only happening on our server (TFU)

it looks like the TFU server is the most popular around here?

I hope it is :D

The initial spawns can get a bit crowded!:


LOL THAT’S EPIC!!!! Gona have to screenshot a bigger one and have it as my desktop :D
This game is gonna be interesting.. Used to going rambo style on Black Ops, yet I know if I try that here, ima get a bullet between the eyes :D

Which classes are people enjoying?
This game is gonna be interesting.. Used to going rambo style on Black Ops, yet I know if I try that here, ima get a bullet between the eyes :D

Which classes are people enjoying?

Yup your right there. Just use a class that you fein easy to use.

Im on Medic.. gona stick with it till iv unlocked everything then do the rest one by one at a time.
I'm going to try and get multiplayer working tonight. I wanted this game for multiplayer really, not singleplayer damn it! lol.
What's even more annoying is the BattleLog message itself is frustrating, telling me i'm 'not allowed' to login.... not 'you are unable to' or 'your account isn't enabled'.. grrrrr

Could be something to do with the fact i have the Russian version of the game and it knows it (it's in the actual game title in Origin as 'Russian Extended Version') so may not be able to until the European unlock (Thursday?).
classes need to be swapped and changed constantly i find and the loadouts too, you can't run around with all the same stuff every round and that goes for jets too, you have to adapt a lot more in this game and i love it :D

would also suggest that those who CTD a lot might need to check their overclock as it crushes your pc.
Got an email from Game at 7 minutes past midnight saying my copy has been shipped. :D

What kind of ranks are people getting up to?
I'm going to try and get multiplayer working tonight. I wanted this game for multiplayer really, not singleplayer damn it! lol.
What's even more annoying is the BattleLog message itself is frustrating, telling me i'm 'not allowed' to login.... not 'you are unable to' or 'your account isn't enabled'.. grrrrr

Could be something to do with the fact i have the Russian version of the game and it knows it (it's in the actual game title in Origin as 'Russian Extended Version') so may not be able to until the European unlock (Thursday?).

Contact EA, their system is messing up with a few people and those who have installed the game aren't getting multiplayer entitlements when they should be and it's a mistake. If you contact their customer support they should be able to fix it, another guy on the EA forums had the same and this is what the support said:

For some reason some customers who pre-ordered didn't receive online entitlement after installing. It wasn't anything you did, and I believe it needs to be resolved on our end.
classes need to be swapped and changed constantly i find and the loadouts too, you can't run around with all the same stuff every round and that goes for jets too, you have to adapt a lot more in this game and i love it :D

would also suggest that those who CTD a lot might need to check their overclock as it crushes your pc.

Thats good news then, always keeps the game interesting. Anyone pulled all nighters yet? :p
Gameplay dispatched my 360 copy yesterday. Usually receive it the day before release but I have known games to sit with royal mail for 2/3 days in the past :(

Lucky I have the PC version pre-downloaded and ready to roll with origin too :p
I've still seen some really bad flashlights in daylight. The need to sort that out. Put a light sensor on the gun!

If you guys are playing on TFU what voice channels you using ocuk mumble or TFUs

I pop on to the OCUK mumble occasionally but tbh nobody ever plays in the BF channel... there seem to be like 30 people all in the rift channel?
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