Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Haha, Watched someone get booted from a server for bad language; all I saw them say was 'spawn camper' :D. Was funny watching them re-connect and get stuck on the losing side with about 10 tickets to go.
I'll try some Metro later or tomorrow, thanks. So I'm guessing there are no servers without veterans on them then?

I started a few weeks ago and have the same problem - except i'm worse than you ;). There are a few servers with 'soft' level limits - they rely on either a vote or an admin to kick people who are overrank. =SASS= run two that have a L23 limit (search for '=SASS=' in the server filter and you'll find them), there are a few others as well (search for 'noob' and have a look through the list).

I've found metro rush to be quite good, but you do need to learn the map and routes that people normally take, then try to out-think them (I'm still learning). Metro conquest can be good fun if you just want to spam bullets at people - it generally turns into a grenade-fest around the B-flag, especially on 64-player servers. You can also rack up a lot of points just by throwing down a medkit or ammo pack near groups of your own guys (you should be doing this all the time anyway though - nothing worse than being nearly out of ammo and a supply guy runs past firing an MG from the hip like rambo and gets shot in the face just round the corner).

Now if only I could work out how to stop dying so much...

Took out ten AT LEAST ten guys in the tunnel with M4A1, G18 and knife. Was hoping between four guys slashing the **** out of them as we all tried to reload.....Oh yeah and at least 7 guys in another run with M4A1, G18 and RPG.

Plus slightly earlier I got Gloves's tagss and he tried to C4 me......ahhhhhh sweet, sweeeeeeeet tags. I can still see the light as it faded from his in game eye :)

Heart is still pounding!!!! Feel sorry for myself that it wasn't recorded but WOW. Got called soooo many names they thought I was a hacker, hahahahaha. LOOK at my K/D, I'm reasonably ***** hahahahaha. SOO funny until Sensiiii switched sides just to TK me :(

Looked like hacking to me!!!
Is that a joke?

It was hacking, someone else bugged the server and JGS had an opportunity to go stab everyone in the face while no hit reg with any weapons was working... sorry to p!ss on your parade :p was funny watching you jump around like an idiot whiling yelling down TS, stabbing everyone though!

I was taking your dog tags then hit reg came back in and got TK'd while trying to slit your throat!
It was hacking, someone else bugged the server and JGS had an opportunity to go stab everyone in the face while no hit reg with any weapons was working... sorry to p!ss on your parade :p was funny watching you jump around like an idiot whiling yelling down TS, stabbing everyone though!

I was taking your dog tags then hit reg came back in and got TK'd while trying to slit your throat!

Is really noooooo problem, it was soooooooooo much fun I don't mind whether it was becasue the hit reg was ****ed or not.

I went proper mental on TS!!!!!!

For my own personal ego, i'm telling myself its just cos i'm AMAZING!!!.........cough
Black letters on black keys. Razor Arctosa was a STUPID idea!!!

It'll back to good old 1-25 tonight. I'm playing camera man for my latest video........

Can you actually remove people from the friends list? I thought battlelog friends were like Herpes, with you for life :eek:
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Haha not sure you can, there must be a way though?

I get so many randoms adding me after games I don't know who half the people are on my friends list :(
There's no way atm.

I have a major number of randoms as well, always said yes at the start in case they were on a decent server.

I know have all the decent servers on favourites so............

Are you on LtMatt's later, 6pm onwards?

Going to be playing cameraman (ie running round with grenade) if you wana join in on stupidity.
Will try and be on then, my gaming time all depends on whether my 9 month old lad will let me or not!

I would play with him on my knee but he has a fascination with keyboards and 360 controllers at the moment. Really love it when i'm just about to shoot someone and suddenly I start spinning around and looking at the sky cause he's got the controller in his mouth :(
My shooting need some work eh, my k/d ratio is proper painful. I've noticed a lot of people funning foregrip and silencers - is this generally thought to be the best combo on a gun? I'm yet to get one gun to a sufficient level but focusing now on the assault and the M416A (think that's it) so will see in time....

That said, still enjoying it and I manage to get more points when I focus on healing/reviving and will keep practicing my aim etc. The standard on Matt's server seems pretty high in comparison to others I have been on so I won't be too harsh on myself (yet)
Will try and be on then, my gaming time all depends on whether my 9 month old lad will let me or not!

I would play with him on my knee but he has a fascination with keyboards and 360 controllers at the moment. Really love it when i'm just about to shoot someone and suddenly I start spinning around and looking at the sky cause he's got the controller in his mouth :(

Thats an original excuse for poor aiming, I believe you....honest ;)
The standard on Matt's server seems pretty high in comparison to others I have been on so I won't be too harsh on myself (yet)

Please don't, that's our job :rolleyes:

The only thing you should worry about is whether you've enjoyed yourself, I'm always C4 jeeping on caspian, I normally get 2 - 3 apc's or tanks but come away with 7 kills to 14 deaths. However it's SOOOOO much fun who care's what m K/D is.....not I.
The Standard on Matt's server is through the roof!! I was playing on their and a friend joined me while we were chatting on skype. I told him playing on this server might not be your best introduction to BF3 multiplayer and 5 minutes later (after many deaths) he lost his patience and quit. Need to find some noob servers for an easier introduction.
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