Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Got home to wife holding the Inbetweeners movie which we've both been wanting to see for ages, so missed the sqdm fun tonight. Please accept my sincerest apologies and I'll be up for some tomorrow night.
Getting back into this a bit now but a lot has changed since I last played.

Can anyone here please list the best all round guns for each class please?
Theres a difference between being locked onto and being shot down, from what i experienced today there is some work to be done on the AA. If people can learn to perform a turn that will lose the missiles the majority of the time it renders the AA totally pointless.

And before anyojne says "zomg soflam and javelin", yeah good luck getting that to work on pubs, its a rarity at best.


if you're up against an experienced jet pilot chances are they have learnt how to pull turns that evade the AA missiles.

This doesn't apply to choppers, which the mobile AA can make mince meat of, purely the jets which are able to outrun the missiles with ease.

I had one cocky jet pilot who didn't even bother with flares, and just had extinguisher. He just strode around the map completely un challenged because we didn't have a jet pilot on our team. He took everything out, and even with us using a SOFLAM and javelin, he just strode off into the distance out of range of the SOFLAM when we tried to lock onto him.

He'd then come back and use cover and rinse and repeat. We had several of us firing stingers at him and at one point had 3 separate missiles after him. He evaded the lot.

In the end he only died once all game barrel rolling into the hillside showing off.
The stinger/igla are useless for aa, far better to go without them. The most effective aa weapon seems to be the gatling guns on the mobile/stationery aa platforms. Jav and soflam can be good, but they require good teamwork.
The stinger/igla are useless for aa, far better to go without them. The most effective aa weapon seems to be the gatling guns on the mobile/stationery aa platforms. Jav and soflam can be good, but they require good teamwork.

The rockets just need tweaked slightly to be better, make them be able to track a plane tighter instead of just shooting off the minute a plane makes a tight turn. Im still of the opinion that jets reload their countermeasures too fast factoring in to the delay their stealth causes getting a lock onto them.

The lock on system in this game can also be a pain, sometimes you'll be locking on and for no reason the beeps will reset and start from zero again. Thats while being out in the open and with nothing impeding your view, apparently this is also being looked into.
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Game disconnected: you were kicked by an admin. Stated reason: kick_message = No Shotgun in this server! Connect again and dont use this weapon! say_message = Neil79UK killed with USAS-12, he kill juanlu28! KICKED!

lol!, all it says in the server is NO RPG/NO M320

Hi guys I really could do with some help.

Just installed BF3:LE but can't get it to run. Using the system in sig.

Load up Origin and try to join a server but am met with a directx device out of memory error. Tried running everything at stock but still no luck. First time I managed to get into a game and was working fine but now can't even get as far as the main menu to join.

Tried using a few different NVIDIA drivers but still no luck. Done a bit of a Google search but nothing has come up yet as to a fix, any ideas?:(

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