Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I have an Irish friend who uses it a lot. If i said scarlett for Art, what would that mean for you? :p

What is this, and Irishness test? :p I'm North of the border so a lot of slang may not make it over, but to me it would mean blushing for you/sympathy.

Brilliant! I'm not going to be able to get on again until Sunday evening though, and I really want to try that now. Dammit!
He's got you there DG. I have most of my kills on foot but when im with my tank squad its easier to rack up kills but thats to be expected. I practice hard in my tank and im able to engage other tanks half way across the map at full throttle. That takes a lot of practice.

Every part of the game is a skill, from being on foot, to being in a tank to flying a chopper.(yes even an rpg kill from 400 yards requires some aim :D) I dont see the need to critical of anyone just because they are good in one facet and not so good in others. If thats the case i dont think you can blame them for living in a tank can you? I'm sure they just want to have fun.

Choppers are just the same, if people want to nerf tanks we have to nerf choppers as well. Players like Westie and Josh (in cho face) are amongst some of the best chopper pilots ive seen, taking them out on my own is impossible, it requires a team effort to take down such good pilots. I dont see why having to do the same for a tank is a bad thing. People need to adapt their playstyles rather than jump on the nerf bandwagon or become overally critical of people because they are 'very good' with a certain vehicle or weapon.

However i do agree that vehicles could easily be removed on seine and bazaar, sadly Dice dont want the game to be played like this so add plenty of obstacles.


Just make rocks even more dangerous!!!!!

BAD LUCK you just jumped off a 6 inch ledge.......You crazy, crazy fool
Excellent. We can always use extra reinforcement on the front line during the day. :cool:

Can't wait mate, couldn't get TS sorted on my phone either so well up for some good ol banterific banter :D


Damn, why doesn't that say Eggcited
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I've finally realized what the difference is between BF2 and BF3... The answer:

Bf2: All men are equal
Bf3: People who have more time to play are the superior player via unlocks!

I've come to this conclusion after viewing an old video of mine. I swear down if you picked the best to gun/pilot you know in BF3, i promise you i'd sit them on my own in a AH1z or a Z10!

And there is your answer....

So any1 for bf2?

Nope, I didn't buy special forces therefore I didn't get the super duper grappling line. xD

I know what you mean about unlocks, it wreaks havoc with the game balance, people have no chance of unlocking things against those who have everything. BF2 suffered similarly and was the reason I stopped playing. I did get my barret but it tooks ages of getting picked off by those who already had it, and when I wanted to play another role I couldn't since the upgrade guns were usually better in most situations. :mad:

(ps did unlock these class guns: sniper, medic, spec ops, support)
I can't see the vid as I'm at work. But going by the comments I'll guess it's Operation Cars by birgirpal (sp?). I am now determined to take a tank out with a pistol, if it will set the C4 off.
You don't need a get good scores or lots of kills but it does help. The main benefit is usually it givesives you longer time to live and RPG esque firepower eevery 6 seconds.

People complain if I RPG them but driving around in an armoured defense mobile railing me every time from miles away is okay? Its all a bit hypocritical.

But I might add I don't run around using RPG as primary weapon.. I do use it but usually I'm reloading after firing at a tank and if you cone to kill me chances are I won't get to reload and change weapon so you might run into my RPG. Or if I'm running low n ammo and at range I'll RPG you.
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My god there were some decent players on the OCUK server last night. Went 0-8 on Op Firestorm. Tried tanks, got blown up 4 times, tried choppa twice and got shot down both times, then tried sniping twice and got sniped both times.

I don't think it was because I was playing particularly bad because when I jumped on another server I went 40-10 on Seine, running and gunning.
He's got you there DG. I have most of my kills on foot but when im with my tank squad its easier to rack up kills but thats to be expected. I practice hard in my tank and im able to engage other tanks half way across the map at full throttle. That takes a lot of practice.

Every part of the game is a skill, from being on foot, to being in a tank to flying a chopper.(yes even an rpg kill from 400 yards requires some aim :D) I dont see the need to critical of anyone just because they are good in one facet and not so good in others. If thats the case i dont think you can blame them for living in a tank can you? I'm sure they just want to have fun.

Choppers are just the same, if people want to nerf tanks we have to nerf choppers as well. Players like Westie and Josh (in cho face) are amongst some of the best chopper pilots ive seen, taking them out on my own is impossible, it requires a team effort to take down such good pilots. I dont see why having to do the same for a tank is a bad thing. People need to adapt their playstyles rather than jump on the nerf bandwagon or become overally critical of people because they are 'very good' with a certain vehicle or weapon.

However i do agree that vehicles could easily be removed on seine and bazaar, sadly Dice dont want the game to be played like this so add plenty of obstacles.

I have an Irish friend who uses it a lot. If i said scarlett for Art, what would that mean for you? :p

like i said before matt anyone can play whatever or whichever way they like that is there choice . but just laming a tank everyround because its easiest way to get kills on that certain map and it is or you or others wouldnt do it ;)

its just tanks are over powered in the game . cry the nerf or whatever i never said nerf anything i said play with more varied styles than just the one of tank whoring.

you could just have infantary only. the scores would be totally different. i guarentee that ! im not telling you have to do this im just saying that having a highish percent on bl to anyone and just vehicle whoring especially in hc just doesnt indicate that that person is a good bf3 player it just shows that on the maps the tank dominates you just tank whore.

i dont mind jets or any others its the tanks and its hc you know why and its the damage they can take and give out plus all the other armoury they can have if unlocked.

in normal mode tanks dont dominate so hard .
like i said before matt anyone can play whatever or whichever way they like that is there choice . but just laming a tank everyround because its easiest way to get kills on that certain map and it is or you or others wouldnt do it ;)

Time to let the cat out of the bag DG and tell us who youre referring to as well as which map you mean. :p

I'd say me but if you look at my stats i spend most of my time on foot. :)
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It ain't me because I got 59/30 on Seine and 40/14 on metro all of course run and gun with some RPG/mm320 in between.

But you do see the same people whoring the tanks and telling other players to get out so they can spam tanks instead. If repairs didn't work faster than you can reload your RPG or own tank it would not be half as viable tactics as it is now.
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