Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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To be fair if I see a tank sitting there not getting any love from C4 i'll change class, run along and try to blow the bugger up. The problem with BF3 is that CoD etc makes players think they can stay the same class and not switch tactics and still win. If there is a tank killing you constantly try and kill it.
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The problem lies in the server set up.If you slow the respawn down in the config it makes your server a custom server,which in turn reduces player traffic.
I agree they are not needed,but also a lot easier to take down in built up environment.
When you are using teamwork in a squad both tanking and countering tanks is really well balanced.
You just need to change you tactics when on tank maps.

It's not taking the tanks out I don't like, it's the fact that they are there at all.

I look forward to Seine and Bazaar because they lead to fantastic intense gunfights in close quarters around the cap points. Then some dude rocks up in a tank like HAI GUISE WHATS GOING ON HERE OLOLOL and just spams the **** out of everything. So everyone has to switch away from the awesome gunfight to deal with the tanks, which seem totally superfluous, and only placed on the map to appease an apparent demand for vehicles everywhere "because it's Battlefield!!".

Taking them out is entirely possible especially when their movement is restricted on these tight maps, but they just seem to detract from the experience.

Street maps should be just that. Street maps. No armour. No jeeps.

Just real men.

I'd like that but I'd keep in some Growlers and buggies - vehicles, but with no armour protection. Also, wish you could hotwire the civilian vehicles lying around the map for some quick transport :D
To be fair if I see a tank sitting there not getting any love from C4 i'll change class, run along and try to blow the bugger up. The problem with BF3 is that CoD etc makes players think they can stay the same class and not switch tactics and still win. If there is a tank killing you constantly try and kill it.

I shoot tanks 2/3 times with SMAW/RPG, because I'm not in a chat I can't communicate with other players to get them to help me shoot it, then I'm either shot by infantry or tank, then the tank gets repaired. Any new-b can sit in a tank the entire game and do well.
you could just have infantary only. the scores would be totally different. i guarentee that ! im not telling you have to do this im just saying that having a highish percent on bl to anyone and just vehicle whoring especially in hc just doesnt indicate that that person is a good bf3 player it just shows that on the maps the tank dominates you just tank whore.
All I ever played on BF2 was infantry only. Coupled with playing only on modded servers to stop the grenade and clay spamming you used to get far better games with top players.
To be fair if I see a tank sitting there not getting any love from C4 i'll change class, run along and try to blow the bugger up. The problem with BF3 is that CoD etc makes players think they can stay the same class and not switch tactics and still win. If there is a tank killing you constantly try and kill it.

YES, thats the spirit!!!!

I wish they showed a 2500k. I find my cpu usage with the [email protected] is 50-80%, im sure ive even seen it go higher than that on multiplayer.


They do show a 2500k it seems, not the cpu usage though unless im blind.

Hehe my 960T (unlocked runs it wih no worries 40%-85% inc Afterburner recording @ 4ghz (same for 3.5ghz)

^^^^ totally agree vehicles do spoil some maps, i spent most of last night hiding my ass with the stinger waiting for the choppers to pass.

Why have you got your finger up your a**?.......Oh sorry stinger.....about as useful tho :rolleyes:
I have 553 hours playtime. 60 hours spent in a T90, 55 in a Abrahams, 480 hours spent on foot. I have a lower KPM with tanks than i do with my main assault rifle the L85. However i can see im wasting my time so i may as well embrace it. Tank Whore #1.

Look at your global time/ vehicle percentage your top 15% vehicle user in all of bf3. Its not absolute values but relatively you spend more time in a vehicle then 85% of other players. I'm not criticising you just pointing it out. You never hear me complain about it in game just maybe about repair speeds.
did anyone see my question, how do you change view in the vehicles like the chopper and jets?

You can't in HC, Default C in SC.

Look at your global time/ vehicle percentage your top 15% vehicle user in all of bf3. Its not absolute values but relatively you spend more time in a vehicle then 85% of other players. I'm not criticising you just pointing it out. You never hear me complain about it in game just maybe about repair speeds.

Ahhh yes but thats calculated by amount of hours not percentage.

Young Mr Mattias has played a LOT of BF3.

Ps Repair speed is the issue (in my opinion) with tanks rather than overpowered. Nevertheless we should still have a BF3 dance off to sort it out once and, duck, jump & spin, put ur left foot in, your USAS out, Teabag, teabag, shake it all about.....
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With a little help i have finally got round to creating my own website and forums that i will link with the Conquest 24/7 OCUK server.

I would be very grateful if all of the regulars who visit the server and team speak would sign up and post a bit as well as participate.

Just want to build together a small friendly bunch of guys that play bf3, have a laugh and enjoy each others company. No hassle, no grief just relaxed good fun and banter. :cool:

Will be adding more stuff to the site as i figure out what im doing. :D
I'll chime in here and say that the tanks are overpowered, and especially so on HC. I don't mind tanks being powerful, because they're bloody tanks at the end of the day! But a Jav or 3 RPGs should take a tank out, because I'm sure that's what would happen IRL. I also don't think that mines should be so easy to see on the map. They should have to be properly spotted. Can't remember last time I got blew up by some mines, they're so easy to avoid.

I would also like to see DICE start giving people who spot tanks, etc with Soflam points when the spot leads to a kill. That would encourage Soflam use and even out the balance a bit.
SNIPe (see what I did there?)

I'll sign up when I'm home. Slowly spending more of my BF3 time on your server anyway as there are fewer ragey little kids in HC servers. ;)

and as far as I've always noticed, I get points form spotting tanks either with Q or SOFLAM, assuming I'm actively controlling the SOFLAM
I'll sign up when I'm home. Slowly spending more of my BF3 time on your server anyway as there are fewer ragey little kids in HC servers. ;)

and as far as I've always noticed, I get points form spotting tanks either with Q or SOFLAM, assuming I'm actively controlling the SOFLAM

Excellent. Cleeecooo just signed up as well. :D
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