Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Guys, can anyone give me some input into a very weird problem I'm having whilst using the M98B sniper rifle? Whenever I remove the silencer now and use the 8x scope, I can't see where the bullet actually goes at anything longer than 20 metres range. Thing is, I'm a pretty damn good shot with any of the bolt action rifles and favour the lack of bullet droop with no silencer on plus the higher damage compared to with it on in various levels such as metro as an example.

However, with the M98B with the 8x scope I can aim straight at someone who is stationary and not hit them repeatedly. Yet as soon as I equip the silencer again, its headshots galore and a nicely positive K - D ratio. I've tried the L96 with exactly the same kit (8x scope and straight bolt) and again its very easy to rake in scores of kills, yet I can't hit diddly squat with the M98B.

Does this rifle have a vastly different aiming pattern to every other bolt action rifle in the game or is there something else at play here?
it hardly has any bullet drop <800 meters! i use 8x scope with it and dont have any problem to see where it the bullet goes!

tried turning mesh quality setting to high or ultra in video settings? increases draw distance!
Got a question for those who are admins on servers...
A few friends and myself are thinking about starting a server that is genuinely for Noobs under a certain level (around 44). Is it possible to restrict players joining to a certain level?
The reason being is they are new to the game and have been looking for players around the same level. There are a few Max level restricted servers (such as the SASS) ones, but not many and the other servers with 'Noob' in the title are just honey-traps to lure in new players for the enjoyment of the veterans. One server we joined labelled 'Noob friendly' had one side ranging from 50 to 109! Naturally we didn't stand a chance.
How often do u lot play this game and do u use teamspeak? i played with a few lads from a different forum and we all hooked up on TS and had a bloody blast online.

TS makes this game 10x more fun IMO. Do people in this forum use TS a lot when playing bf3?
When is the patch due out? EA keep sending me emails "You're needed back in the field" which is nice, but just cba at the moment. At least the new patch would give me an excuse to get back into it.
other servers with 'Noob' in the title are just honey-traps to lure in new players for the enjoyment of the veterans. One server we joined labelled 'Noob friendly' had one side ranging from 50 to 109! Naturally we didn't stand a chance.

Wow I never thought of this before, actually luring in noobs for an easy kill
I was handing out my tags left right and center today. hope you guys appreciated that, cos it's not gonna happen again.*

gonna have to make a more concerted effort to start taking tags of some of you lot though. at the moment whenever i came across someone unawares, my brain says knife, but my finger is already pulling the trigger.

* (may happen again)

Thetinsnail 2 2012-02-27 00:03 - I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world ;)

How often do u lot play this game and do u use teamspeak? i played with a few lads from a different forum and we all hooked up on TS and had a bloody blast online.

TS makes this game 10x more fun IMO. Do people in this forum use TS a lot when playing bf3? Join us F T W, TS details on homepage

Wow I never thought of this before, actually luring in noobs for an easy kill

:rolleyes: Good idea
I would like toget into playing more on the helicopters, especially little bird.
So what is the best or reasonablely priced joy stick for PC ?

Many thanks
I would like toget into playing more on the helicopters, especially little bird.
So what is the best or reasonablely priced joy stick for PC ?

Many thanks

Mouse + keyboard is much better for flying in BF3 imo. Doesn't take that long to get used to either, go play the 2nd Co-op mission for practice flying helis and join an empty server to practice flying jets.
haha :D on bizar its so deadly everytime im on that map the people rage :p

b is such a sweet little trap and people and they always camp hide in same spots. just prefire skilltube in these areas always gets you two to 3 kills without looking .

i only use skilltube on conquest now ;) just for the lols :p

currently unlocked litterally 3/4 of my guns now totally got some real crappy guns to do now but found some gems.

as for putting noob in your server name wont make any difference really either way. if you new just dive in take a beating foir a bit and learn the game. join a teamspeak .

quite a few of us have ts3 channels on here for groups . matts has one we have two ts3 channels (30 man and a 10 man ) and so do others. you should use voice coms makes gaming so much more fun
"Taking a beating for a bit" is not the best way for new players to learn the game as I've found introducing some friends to BF3. They first joined me on Matt's server and after multiple deaths without firing a shot, they learnt nothing and felt like they'd wasted their money. We then went and found the SASS resticted level servers and played with other newbs where they survived long enough to learn the basic foot soldier stuff. This was a few weeks agao and now they're learning the basic tank (and anti-tank stuff). The problem is that the SASS limited level servers are very popular and often full, so I was asking if it's possible to add code to our own server to limit players level. Obviously adding 'noob' to the name isn't enough.
As for voice - I think that's just as obvious (although not to EA who thought we wouldn't need it in their team-based game!)
thing is chap that each server has its own style ;)

so you need to play a few rounds to get the flavour of how it plays. if you only play noob or low skilled servers you wont get any better youll end up picking up bad habits and just camping in windows or corners like the lows who inhabbit these very servers.. your better off just getting on with it and diving in on decent skilled servers. if you played other fps games before it shouldnt take you long to pick it up.

if you get ruined for a bit doesnt matter its a game not like you dodging real life bullets :p

voip isnt worth **** join a ts or mumble.
"Taking a beating for a bit" is not the best way for new players to learn the game as I've found introducing some friends to BF3. They first joined me on Matt's server and after multiple deaths without firing a shot, they learnt nothing and felt like they'd wasted their money. We then went and found the SASS resticted level servers and played with other newbs where they survived long enough to learn the basic foot soldier stuff. This was a few weeks agao and now they're learning the basic tank (and anti-tank stuff). The problem is that the SASS limited level servers are very popular and often full, so I was asking if it's possible to add code to our own server to limit players level. Obviously adding 'noob' to the name isn't enough.
As for voice - I think that's just as obvious (although not to EA who thought we wouldn't need it in their team-based game!)

Yes Jeff, this is possible.

I use the plugin you would need to restrict cheaters from entering my server.
I check every players K/D ratio, SPM and KPM and if they exceed a certain level they are auto banned. I can then review their stats and evidence and decide if i think the ban was legitimate. So far in the few days ive been running it ive caught three cheaters with 0 false positives so far. This morning it picked up an aim botter on metro and he was auto banned after killing 38 people in a few minutes Myself and Jimlad were on the server at the time it happened and he was at 30+ kills where everyone else just had 5 or so.

This plugin that i use can be altered to check rank, instead of K/D so you would be able to use that and have it auto kick any player who exceeds rank 44, or whichever rank you desire.

If you need any more info drop me a line on my website or battlelog and ill give you a hand.
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