Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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It will be a lot sharper and crisper while looking smooth if that makes sense. It does in my head but trying to explain it is :confused: haha
Right decided to put some life back into Bronken-Gaming as it pretty much died a few months after the game was released, which was strange as the 64 man server tended to stay full most of the time :confused:

Had a look around and decided on a 48 player Hardcore Conquest with 150% tickets, 1 player start. Map rotation is 1 round per map and as follows:-


Decided Metro was too small for 48 players and BK2 wasn't really worth it. There aren't many vanilla hardcore 48 player servers out there so thought I'd sneak it into that spec.

Add it to your favourites, tell your friends, etc, etc

I've also cracked open a website too which can be found at which is a work in progress.

Have a gander and see what you think.

Will add tonight. Anyone know ny decent HC servers running Rush maps? SAS springs to mind, that's all Ive got on my faves list at the moment. Conquest is good, but Rush is a good change of pace.
Is there some sort of knack to MAV road kills?

I had a go at it on Op. Firestorm the other day. There was a recon player on the roof of the warehouse. I managed to drop my MAV on his head 5 or 6 times, and run it into him a few times, it did absolutley naff all :/

I tend to start up pretty high, then go as fast as I can diagonally down and towards the target and kind of "dunk" on them by aiming into them with my mouse at the last minute if that makes sense.

Personally I think it's lame that they're making it destroy on impact with the new patch. People whining about it, but at the end of the day it's hardly easy to do, and its not as though you can't hear it coming so if you get MAV road killed you deserve it :p
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So last night ater taking a break from BF3 i get into a caspian border rush game and this weird Bug/Glitch happens i've never seen this before. I know people talk about nerfing flashlights and what not but this was ridiculous!

Anyone else had this happen or know why this happened?
Ok, I have installed the V1.3 beta performance mod, do I need to do anything else? Is that it?

Tried a game on wake island quickly and it does seem different, performance seems better for me, been so long since I played though so can't really remember what it was like before :p

If u disable Origin overlay in the origin settings u can press the pause/break button on your keyboard to turn the mod on and off. Which is nice for comparing.

Edit: Called Origin in game or something. just uncheck that.
After a few hours of gaming there, the FXAA injector does seem to make things a bit more vibrant especially the greens, however, I still have a hard time spotting people at medium distance, probably just my eye sight! :p

Had some great fun with the jihad jeeps on caspian! :D No rage in the chat box though :(
The major advantage it does give is it allows this higher image quality without needing hardware that can max out MSAA, the default post processing AA does this to some extent, the injector just lets you choose the level applied.

The benefit to using it to tweak the colours is you don't have to screw up your colours outside of the game, some people just find the washed out stock colours unpleasant.

This, my monitor has a mode setting button, options are for, standard, pictures, movie and dynamic. Even with the dynamic setting selected, things are way too bright, (benq fp241w was always notorious for ridiculous level of brightness), therefore it needs further tweaking at driver level. With the fxaa injector theres no need for tweaking things. As for any so called advantage, im not seeing players easier than without it, as im still **** at the game.:D It just looks a lot better than the washed out stock game. Also better performance, as ingame msaa is a real fps killer.
My latest video

C4/ Knife montage recorded on LtMatt's server

Battlefield 3 - Back in Action

Won't work on mobile due to me using music ;)

Premier pro and vegas both didn't work so exported with Windows Live Movie Maker
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Why would I need to prove it, surely you can load up Battlefield 3, whack the gamma up on your monitor and see for yourself?

I'd imagine the only downside would be everything would be rather bright. If you could handle that then there you go, you've got an advantage over someone who can't see anything in a black room.

My argument comes from your argument failing on the one and only caveat i put in, i.e has no downsides...

Clearly whacking your gamma up will just burn your eyes out, defeating the objective here.

Anyway, in my mind its clear that this mod directly impacts the visibility of characters on the screen, proving an advantage that is not replicable with standard image setting optimisation in either windows, catalyst or other. Clear those using it wont be swayed because they enjoy these advantages so ill leave it there.
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