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Can someone link this so called FXA injector that people have been talking about the last few pages (which highlights people :p) or whatever it is please?

This is my main gripe with the game, everything has a dull grey look to the game, which I absolutely hate and is why I don't bother playing it very much (also due to no patch yet) and I find it impossible to see people at medium distance (unless they are running in the open), where as with BC 2 I could easily see everyone without straining my eyes :p Even on the dark snow maps, it wasn't an issue.

So link please! :p
Thanks :)

Which version is everyone using then?

And what sort of settings should I be using? Currently play with everything on low and turned off with my rig in sig.
dice decided to go with the msaa option but they could have used the injector way but didnt. they are thinking of including " the hack " in a patch soon for all

How many will abandon the 3rd party injector when Dice add the feature to the game, assuming it gives the same fps boost as the injector? Is it guaranteed to give the same graphical affect, and therefore the same potential advantages? What if it doesn't look exactly the same, anyone continuing to use the 3rd party version must surely be doing it for a graphical advantage, not just fps.
the one i used (used being the word :) )


i would still use it but i dont like what it does to text on scoreboard
also the sun seems to bright to me. i do use it in single player though as it makes the game playable at all on ultra maxxed out at 60 fps on my card .

without it on i play single player and get 40-45 fps on max settings.

i played all single player straight though with on and off and the main benefit is the better fps performance .
How many will abandon the 3rd party injector when Dice add the feature to the game, assuming it gives the same fps boost as the injector? Is it guaranteed to give the same graphical affect, and therefore the same potential advantages? What if it doesn't look exactly the same, anyone continuing to use the 3rd party version must surely be doing it for a graphical advantage, not just fps.

most are using it for higher fps as there cards struggle.

difference from med to high can be few hundred quid
difference from high to ultra could be a grand and at 60 fps

with the mod its possible on 200 quid cards . its a no brainer if you dont want to spend a lot of money for a poorly coded game.
most are using it for higher fps as there cards struggle.

difference from med to high can be few hundred quid
difference from high to ultra could be a grand and at 60 fps

with the mod its possible on 200 quid cards . its a no brainer if you dont want to spend a lot of money for a poorly coded game.

Can you link me to the injector which improves performance?

Everyone that I had used previously raped the draw distance.
No its not just to do with the anti aliasing. It changes the colour palette and provides easier identification and differentiation of objects either as intended r unintended consequence.

Which you can do with monitor calibration or graphics drivers, you have no argument.
Yup, that is also another reason why I want to try it out, the performance, as even with everything on low, my 4850 just doesn't cut it, on metro I only get like 25-40FPS :( :o
are you using msaa ingame aswell ?

if so thats why you get no fps boost

the post above i linked the version i used.

ingame i tried with msaa x4 on ultra and without

with it was 44 fps in one section without it was 60 fps .
Can someone link this so called FXA injector that people have been talking about the last few pages (which highlights people :p) or whatever it is please?

This is my main gripe with the game, everything has a dull grey look to the game, which I absolutely hate and is why I don't bother playing it very much (also due to no patch yet) and I find it impossible to see people at medium distance (unless they are running in the open), where as with BC 2 I could easily see everyone without straining my eyes :p Even on the dark snow maps, it wasn't an issue.

So link please! :p

Do you mean that in bc2that black wasn't black and when opponents were in a black background you'd still be able to make out their outline due to slight variations in the gradient. But now in bf3 black is black and opponents in darkness don't show up by contrasting themselves again the darkness of their background?

that's what i noticed anyway.

Did i search for a hack to fix this, or accept that this is what ea/dice intended. I.e better levels of realism where bad guys blend into the background - not stick out like they do in previous gen games.

Of course you can just hack your game or you could live with it like everyone else?

Whoever posted the stupid gif. Don't waste my time. Your point is doa if you can't determine between the speed that something is rendered at and a rendering method that significantly changes the output of what is being rendered.
most are using it for higher fps as there cards struggle.

This is what I am saying. Assuming the Dice version gives the fps boost, then anyone choosing to continue to use a 3rd party injector must solely be doing so becuase the same looks "better" to them with the 3rd party. And "better" can mean anything from "Ooh, isn't it pretty!" to "haha, I see you, u can't see me!", the latter of these being towards the **** end of the scale. Would like to know the percentage split between these extremes once you take the fps factor out of the argument.
Do you mean that in bc2that black wasn't black and when opponents were in a black background you'd still be able to make out their outline due to slight variations in the gradient. But now in bf3 black is black and opponents in darkness don't show up by contrasting themselves again the darkness of their background?

that's what i noticed anyway.

Did i search for a hack to fix this, or accept that this is what ea/dice intended. I.e better levels of realism where bad guys blend into the background - not stick out like they do in previous gen games.

Of course you can just hack your game or you could live with it like everyone else?

Whoever posted the stupid gif. Don't waste my time. Your point is doa if you can't determine between the speed that something is rendered at and a rendering method that significantly changes the output of what is being rendered.

But... you can have the same effect just by upping the gamma through your monitor :confused:
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