Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Lol just watched this and we r so alike! Even down to punching crt monitors at age of 6 haha! U need to come on mumble with me sometime you won't have heard swearing raging like anything u heard before ;)

NES 8bit controller had bitemarks and i threw it all the time at my tv. Nowadays i smash my mouse on the mousemat when i rage. Logitech G9x can take a punch ive noticed.. :D
Just to show that I'm in no way messing around -


hmmm :confused: all i got was a 39mb update for Origin.
bizar and my m320 owns brah :D

some guy even dared to shoot me with one :p

Yeh you got me a few times, but I did have my revenge but you always for some reason stood next to JG or Setter :p.

Did have a strange issue though, It would say I was killed by an M320 but then the explosion :confused:
Haha glad im not the only one who rages!
Seems like those CRT monitors were designed to take a punch ...albeit a feeble punch from a 6 year old.....any one actually manage to break one?

Glad the people that watched my video enjoyed it im still working on the commentarys
and still trying not to say " you know what i mean" so much...but i just can't help it it just slips out....all the time!!!

i've restarted origin a few times and even loaded up a BF3 game and still no update?

@Westie i've not actually used mumble before i take it it's a client similar to Teamspeak?
@kunoichia i was going to wonder how you raged at a nintendo product then i noticed it was the 8bit Era where everything was so god damn hard!
Haha glad im not the only one who rages!
Seems like those CRT monitors were designed to take a punch ...albeit a feeble punch from a 6 year old.....any one actually manage to break one?

Glad the people that watched my video enjoyed it im still working on the commentarys
and still trying not to say " you know what i mean" so much...but i just can't help it it just slips out....all the time!!!

i've restarted origin a few times and even loaded up a BF3 game and still no update?

@westie i've not actually used mumble before i take it it's a client similar to Teamspeak?
@kunoichia i was going to wonder how you raged at a nintendo product then i noticed it was the 8bit Era where everything was so god damn hard!

Hey..........I'll check out ur vids later :) will you be playing later tonight?

Am me...jgstonedraider on battleslag...log
I will be on tonight but from 8pm i'll be in Clan training , i'll add you on battelog would love to have a few games with the OCUK guys!

Let me know if you have any feedback on my videos :)
Right lads, also added map Voting to the server and it will automatically kick players with stupidly high K/D ratios and other crazy variables :)

Every night I go to play BF3, I think to myself; 'Hey I should go play on the OCUK servers with all those OCUK guys, I bet that's a lot of fun'.

I put OCUK into my server filter and all it EVER finds is a single hardcore server and no others. Where are all the normal/real servers/players?
Right lads, also added map Voting to the server and it will automatically kick players with stupidly high K/D ratios and other crazy variables :)


What do people class as stupidly high? i've just been playing a few matches with clan mates and twice my clan mate got kicked on a HC server for having a 24/0 KD i mean it's not to hard to do that when your in a tank with reactive armour on HC but i don't see why he should have been kicked for it , does your server do the same?

I was also playing a TDM HC with the same teammates and we had warning messages coming up telling us our KDR was too high? But the only reason we had few deaths is because we were reviving each other if we got downed.
im not syaing your server does this im just wondering how you set a limit for it thats all.
I downloaded an origin update, pretty sure it was a smallish file though as it didnt take long. It seemed to be more of an origin update than a bf3 update though.

I hope youre here for another day of battlefield 3 on the front line Jim.

had to work buddy :( was gutted as i get paid the same if im ill in my job :D
My shots were all over the place which usually isnt the case on matts server.
Very laggy for me last night, and again this evening. On 1 on 1 situations, the minute i go to shoot it's jerking all over the place. Getting a lot of rubber banding as well.
Setter, there's certainly a delay between what a person see's and what is actually happening. Saw that happen a few times last night

Killed by M320, then explosion of the m320 happens after death at one point I was killed by an M320 but there was no sound from it at all, no explosion nothing.
Hmm can't get BF3 to launch since the origin update got installed.

For starters Origin will only lauch if I right-click and run as administrator. Never had that issue before.

Log into battlelog and choose a server, get the joining server message then nothing. Tried various servers and launching battlelog through IE and firefox.

Anyone else getting any bother since this update?

I've tried redownloading and reinstalling origin but the same issue is present.
What do people class as stupidly high? i've just been playing a few matches with clan mates and twice my clan mate got kicked on a HC server for having a 24/0 KD i mean it's not to hard to do that when your in a tank with reactive armour on HC but i don't see why he should have been kicked for it , does your server do the same?

I was also playing a TDM HC with the same teammates and we had warning messages coming up telling us our KDR was too high? But the only reason we had few deaths is because we were reviving each other if we got downed.
im not syaing your server does this im just wondering how you set a limit for it thats all.

It bases you off your overall K/D ratio, so if you have a fab one off game then you've got nothing to worry about.
Setter, there's certainly a delay between what a person see's and what is actually happening. Saw that happen a few times last night

Killed by M320, then explosion of the m320 happens after death at one point I was killed by an M320 but there was no sound from it at all, no explosion nothing.
It can be quite a long delay as well, 2 -3 seconds at the very worst, same with the dying in cover. Probly explains why a lot of time ive had to aim behind people who run across my fov, shooting at or in front of them is a no go.
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