Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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easy mistake to make

their are a bunch of cretins out there whose idea of "dealing" with a good chopper pilot is to deliberately crash into them and send them crashing to the ground.

When they have no other skills to call on and can't take down the chopper, they resort to dirty tactics like that. NIce to hear yours was an accident.

After the patch however, this won't happen as both will blow up and get suicides.

Aye it doesn't help that what you see on your screen isn't going to always be what the other player sees on their screen. Case in point being one video that I uploaded to youtube where Squark said via Mumble that he'd buzz past me. On his screen he did just that but on my screen he actually bumped my chopper. Hit reg isn't amazing and admins need to account for this on various servers IMO!

DICE said:
Metro-like maps

Those are the WORST kind of maps! Who the hell prefers Metro over the others! *looks at Butcher* :p
Just got a crash so bad on this that my PC didn't recover even after a bios wipe. It loaded bios like it was being typed on a typewriter :S

Never seen anything like it. I've removed the overclock on my gcards for now and completely removed MSI afterburner. Until I know what did it and why it didn't recover properly I'm at a bit of a loss tbh.
Well when I joined you could see the team had done something really bad as every flag was taken, then within about 2mins it became a spawn death spawn death. Left the server and went for some TDM

That's the difference in a no spawn camp game and I was not a victim of your weapon choice but your spawn camping :cool:

I wish this'd happen in a match I was in. Might finally give me the excuse to use the "!nuke" command :D
Screw this pos, im going back to bfbc2 and moh, heck even cod mw1. A lag fest, doesnt even look that great, (compared to moh). Terrible hit reg, full of bugs with the game itself and the needles bit of **** called origin. Ive persevered for so long, hoping it might improve. But sadly that wont happen.
I got tired of Battlefield and switched back to Minecraft for a bit. I keep going back to Minecraft when I get bored, the re-playability is there unlike in Battlefield. Sadly I won't be renewing the server this month, due to the above. I purchased it to trial anyway. :)

I will be spending the next few weeks sorting out things for my community project and hopefully getting a dedicated server box for Minecraft and ArmA 2/3.

Apologies to anybody who enjoyed playing on my server. LtMatt's is the next best alternative! :p:eek::D:o:cool:

- Moose
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Ciao a tutti,

Posso confermare che io non sono ancora stati eseguiti o deportati.



On a serious note, I got tired of Battlefield and switched back to Minecraft for a bit. I keep going back to Minecraft when I get bored, the re-playability is there unlike in Battlefield. Sadly I won't be renewing the server this month, due to the above. I purchased it to trial anyway. :)

I will be spending the next few weeks sorting out things for my community project and hopefully getting a dedicated server box for Minecraft and ArmA 2/3.

Apologies to anybody who enjoyed playing on my server. LtMatt's is the next best alternative! :p:eek::D:o:cool:

- Moose

Good to see you're alive :) I get fed up of BF3 every time it get shot behind cover, round corners, empty half a clip in someone's back from 2ft away and get killed by them in one shot, die for no reason, die from falling 2ft... But god damn it's a rush to charge a tank on foot and take it out single handed or get behind the enemy and mow them down :D

Loved MC as well for a while, but I gave my account away :o
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