Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I would imagine there isn't such a market for colour blind people on consoles. At least I can't say i've noticed colour blind options on many games at all on a console. It is more likely they would be pc gamers and get 3d party patches or that it is included in pc games.

Does seem odd they haven't patched you guys up though. Then again, you got VOIP!

nothing to do with the market for it.

The consoles are a patch behind. None of the tweaks / changes in that PC patch ever made it to console.

DICE said that "why don't i have the option for colour blind mode" is one of their most frequently asked questions so there is absolutely the demand for it, and stipulated that this sort of confusion is why they want the next patch to patch on all systems simultaneously. (to avoid confusion and questions to support about features seen on other platforms that theirs doesn't have. It also makes feedback confusing as well, as you have to work out whether the calls of "OMG the flares are so over powered" have come from PC gamers or console gamers)

have an extra LOL from me at the idea that PC gamers are more likely to be colour blind than console gamers :D

as for the VOIP, console gamers don't launch the game using battlelog, so they had to provide something. The problem for PC gamers is that DICE think that VOIP through battlelog is sufficient.
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"We've been listening to the community and instead of fixing the problems in the patch list we decided to bring out some new DLC with exactly what you guys have been asking for: entirely linear, close-combat Metro-like maps, with assignments that'll let you unlock new gear like fully automatic grenade launchers, multi-shot rocket launchers and attachements that'll let you fire your rifle around corners without having to stick your head out..."

That sounds amazing. :eek:
First thing I usually do when I drop a Soflam is exit out and run to find some cover or a hiding place close by. Standing there with your Soflam up is begging to have your head removed by a sniper. It will be changing according to the patch notes so it doesn't auto-enter when dropped, the same with the eod bot.

Thanks for the tips everyone.

Any suggestions for favourite maps and spots?

I'm keeping to the big vehicle maps.
I can't seem to join any games, just sits there saying joining game and doesn't open the game.

Only happened with the recent origin patch.

Any Ideas?
No wonder matt and helier has a high k/d on metro they just shoot into main HQ base spawn, spawn die... spawn die yeh that's fun guys.
No wonder matt and helier has a high k/d on metro they just shoot into main HQ base spawn, spawn die... spawn die yeh that's fun guys.

Trying to stop people from shooting into spawn on metro is impossible Neil.

I'm sorry that you were the victim of my acog and L85 though. I hope this post eases your suffering. :)
Trying to stop people from shooting into spawn on metro is impossible Neil.

I'm sorry that you were the victim of my acog and L85 though. I hope this post eases your suffering. :)

Well when I joined you could see the team had done something really bad as every flag was taken, then within about 2mins it became a spawn death spawn death. Left the server and went for some TDM

That's the difference in a no spawn camp game and I was not a victim of your weapon choice but your spawn camping :cool:
Well when I joined you could see the team had done something really bad as every flag was taken, then within about 2mins it became a spawn death spawn death. Left the server and went for some TDM

That's the difference in a no spawn camp game and I was not a victim of your weapon choice but your spawn camping :cool:

its not so much about the spawn camping, as about having a decent team.

You only end up pinned inside your own spawn being raped if your team is considerably poorer in skill than the other.

I've been trapped in both the RU and US spawn being spawn raped so don't buy the idea one team has an advantage over the other.

Even if you could by some means force every member of the opposite team to withdraw back to B, and start again, chances are the losing team would just get pushed back again. The only way that this sort of thing balances itself out is when loads of people on the losing team leave, and then more skilful players join instead and manage to push out
I don't have a problem with people shooting outside of the spawn building for example running out of the main building towards the road and bus, but shooting into the main glass building as soon as you spawn was very cheap and not about skill.
Half of battlefield isn't about skill.

Using the motor from the uncapable spawn isn't about skill.
Spamming people with Usas Frag Rounds isn't about skill
Hiding in a tank and shooting infantry with a machine gun isn't about skill.

Battlefield isn't really a skill based game, its a fun game. And people want to have their fun. And when the enemy team is on the run that much they are pinned in their own spawn, they won't sit back and wait for people to run out and capture A before shooting them. They play to have fun, and shooting ducks in a barrel is fun.

I've been on the receiving end as well as the giving end, and you just lean to live with it (or leave)
Even if you could by some means force every member of the opposite team to withdraw back to B, and start again, chances are the losing team would just get pushed back again. The only way that this sort of thing balances itself out is when loads of people on the losing team leave, and then more skilful players join instead and manage to push out

This. But it's not just/even skillful players needed to break out - it's people willing to give it a go without worrying about their K/D. Instead you find pretty quickly that 75% of your team think you can win A or C back by sniping from uncap. Newsflash - unless you're an aimbot wall-hacking recon, you can't. Even when someone puts down smoke people aren't normally prepared to move forward. Similarly grenades - don't waste your time if you aren't going to press after them.
822 skill :D

been owning with my german mate in heli he's an amazing pilot! good fun indeed! TV missle is so good! even took out a jet with it! :)
on the smaller spawn trap maps its not skill its just low fest.

whole reason i m320 cause basically the players team stack think there pro so m320 straight into camping spot = rage !

they dont go for objectives and just play for bad k/d ratio to show there mums on bl :D

some people everytime i join on matts for eg same place even in same corner loool . m320 them and just laugh :)

time for some skilltube me thinks :D
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