Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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lol the cannons on transport chopper destroy infantry and even jets and choppers if they get a good spray on you, packed with engineers it's almost invincible and needs a good team effort to bring it down. No buff needed just more team work.

This. They're a powerful tool if your team is working together!

Forget all the buffs, nerfs. JEEPS HAVE HORNS. Now you can beep to the tank you're about to blow up, BF2 style!
lol the cannons on transport chopper destroy infantry and even jets and choppers if they get a good spray on you, packed with engineers it's almost invincible and needs a good team effort to bring it down. No buff needed just more team work.

I mean assuming they fix the silly repair tool speeds.

They are OK if you have a decent pair of door gunners, but so fragile and they rarely get used for actual transport of troops. As you say, they are packed with engineers - not troops who actually want to go somewhere.

TBH, I'd be happy to see the removal of parachutes from the game for all but the pilots. Then a transport chopper would actually have to touch down for everyone to pile off, then he can dust off and cover from the air. Maybe even had rappels.

Just putting some ideas out. Been watching Black Hawk Down too much I guess.
Past few days been getting consistent "Game disconnected: you were kicked from the game." errors, normally within a minute of being on the ground.

Getting very annoying as i've not had any issues previously in-game and it happens 100% of the time. Anyone know of workarounds? :(
Hi everyone, can anyone give me some tips on laser damage assists either from the SOFLAM or CITV?

I am playing on public servers (with no coordination as per usual), I know you only get them from MBT hits, any suggestions for SOFLAM locations (where you dont get shot in the back or hit in the head from 1000 metres?)

Or is it better just sitting in a CITV station?
Hi everyone, can anyone give me some tips on laser damage assists either from the SOFLAM or CITV?

I am playing on public servers (with no coordination as per usual), I know you only get them from MBT hits, any suggestions for SOFLAM locations (where you dont get shot in the back or hit in the head from 1000 metres?)

Or is it better just sitting in a CITV station?

The SOFLAM is remote controlled so you can always move to a safer location and use it from there. I've had a guy in the CITV before while I was driving around and the amount of kills we racked up with my guided shells was unbelievable.
The SOFLAM is remote controlled so you can always move to a safer location and use it from there. I've had a guy in the CITV before while I was driving around and the amount of kills we racked up with my guided shells was unbelievable.

We do that allot on vent. 3 man tank destroys.
Hi everyone, can anyone give me some tips on laser damage assists either from the SOFLAM or CITV?

I am playing on public servers (with no coordination as per usual), I know you only get them from MBT hits, any suggestions for SOFLAM locations (where you dont get shot in the back or hit in the head from 1000 metres?)

Or is it better just sitting in a CITV station?

The SOFLAM is remote controlled, you dont have to stand there with it to use it. Place it, exit out of it and carry on, then bring up the screen when you need to and voila.
what will happen is the patch list will probably changed and theyll say well get most of it out but somethings we wernt quite happy with and well bering you those fixes in next patches.

to know when we are going to get them just watch there lead platform for details ps3 :p when you get the dlc youll get the big patch.
what will happen is the patch list will probably changed and theyll say well get most of it out but somethings we wernt quite happy with and well bering you those fixes in next patches.

"We've been listening to the community and instead of fixing the problems in the patch list we decided to bring out some new DLC with exactly what you guys have been asking for: entirely linear, close-combat Metro-like maps, with assignments that'll let you unlock new gear like fully automatic grenade launchers, multi-shot rocket launchers and attachements that'll let you fire your rifle around corners without having to stick your head out..."
First thing I usually do when I drop a Soflam is exit out and run to find some cover or a hiding place close by. Standing there with your Soflam up is begging to have your head removed by a sniper. It will be changing according to the patch notes so it doesn't auto-enter when dropped, the same with the eod bot.
"We've been listening to the community and instead of fixing the problems in the patch list we decided to bring out some new DLC with exactly what you guys have been asking for: entirely linear, close-combat Metro-like maps, with assignments that'll let you unlock new gear like fully automatic grenade launchers, multi-shot rocket launchers and attachements that'll let you fire your rifle around corners without having to stick your head out..."
Lol, but they dont have to introduce guns that shoot round corners, theyre already present.:D
what will happen is the patch list will probably changed and theyll say well get most of it out but somethings we wernt quite happy with and well bering you those fixes in next patches.

to know when we are going to get them just watch there lead platform for details ps3 :p when you get the dlc youll get the big patch.

Well that's hardly true, the PS3 and Xbox are still one patch behind.

We're yet to get the patch the PC users got with B2K which added colour blind mode
Well that's hardly true, the PS3 and Xbox are still one patch behind.

We're yet to get the patch the PC users got with B2K which added colour blind mode

I would imagine there isn't such a market for colour blind people on consoles. At least I can't say i've noticed colour blind options on many games at all on a console. It is more likely they would be pc gamers and get 3d party patches or that it is included in pc games.

Does seem odd they haven't patched you guys up though. Then again, you got VOIP!
ps3 is the lead platform for bf3 then eggbox then pc

thats why ps3 got dlc first

then check sales aswell of bf3 ;)

anyways ....

back to fully unlocking the an-94 :)
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