Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Seems the other links dead so:

40 secs in, :rolleyes:

Funny how theyre banging on about the armoured kill expansion having the largest bf map, it'll still probably have a tiny playable area. Dice really seem to love to twist things so they can make a statement appear legit while screwing the gamer in other ways, remember the antenna on caspian was meant to be destructible? They knew what people meant by that (ie: tanks can take it out with sustained shelling of the anchor points) and answered yes to the questions, then added in a half assed, laggy scripted sequence much later. That being said the destruction in BF3 is at best, pretty crap so not a big deal i suppose.

I wonder how well this statement will hold up down the line with Dice not charging for DLC:
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look forward to all dlc :D you know why ?

cause there is nothnig else remotely decent to play fps wise !!!!

still live and dream of cod4 with vehicles but that aint gunna happen :(

Sooooo sooo true!!!!

Console gamers.

It's always the console gamers.

Still, I'm looking forward to glassed up office battles :p

I just love this game, I was all about the vehicles but tbh the CQ battles are equally as good and much better than Modern warfare esk CQB

well, I am looking forward to the second DLC. BF3 has got some issues but is nowhere as bad as some people make it to be IMO :)

Hey people join our community (link in sig) and sign up to get the TS details.

Jump on Team Speak and lets get some great banter / teamplay going. If anyone every has an ideas about how you'd like TS setup...just let us know. We normally all go into the same channel for banter rights but we're well up for taking the odd night a bit more seriously and doing proper team chat.....

Either way hope to see you on later......I leave work in 26:53 mins COME ON!!!!!!
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yep, no problems with that map in a Battlefield game at all.
Having serious problems getting 5 DPV jeep kills for my last assignment unlock. I went on gulf of oman, got at least 7 jeep kills using the gun on it (as the russian team) and none of it counted :S

What am I doing wrong?
Funny how theyre banging on about the armoured kill expansion having the largest bf map, it'll still probably have a tiny playable area. Dice really seem to love to twist things so they can make a statement appear legit while screwing the gamer in other ways, remember the antenna on caspian was meant to be destructible? They knew what people meant by that (ie: tanks can take it out with sustained shelling of the anchor points) and answered yes to the questions, then added in a half assed, laggy scripted sequence much later.

Very true that as well! :mad:

As for the overall destruction, I am not impressed by it one bit, BC 2 has far better destruction and is much better animated IMO.

In BF 3, some things can be destroyed but then you go and try it on another similar item/building and it can't be. WTF?!?! Is it made out of some impregnable material that can't even be dented or a piece of the wall chipped of.....

And then you have some small trees and electricity line poles that can bring a speeding T-90 or abrams to a complete halt :rolleyes:

I can understand DICE not wanting to make everything destructible and leaving the map completely in ruins (e.g. the F area in one of the B2k maps, where there is a building that pretty much can be completely destroyed and thus makes it very hard to capture, especially considering the map is vehicle orientated and any one with the thermal optics will easily spot you).

Also I thought that when an upper part of the building is blown up and the rubble comes down and kills anyone below, that the rubble would stay there? Could have sworn this was one of the things that DICE was banging on about before the game got released along with explosives leaving holes in the ground, which was taken out during the BETA due to people falling through the map and was supposed to be brought back for the final game?


I would love them to bring the popular BC 2 maps like laguna pressa, valpairso, port valdez etc. (or however you spell them :p) to BF 3.
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Players are dropping BC3..I mean BF3 :o fast on PC, I can't see this abomination of a DLC bringing players back. Come Winter and the biggest map ever DLC release ' big map with playing area clustered to middle of map ' this game will be on its last legs. Enter BC3 to go head to head with black ops 2, really battlefield as we know it is dead, all it is now is shallow, dumbed down shooter designed for consoles.
BC 2 is far better than BF 3 in its current state, especially for teamwork. In BC 2 I actually got revived A LOT and supplied with ammo etc. where as with BF 3, the number of assault people that run past me and don't bother reviving/dropping medic kits and the support class dropping ammo etc. is unbelievable.

The only map where you get revived etc. is on 64 player conquest metro :rolleyes:
Having serious problems getting 5 DPV jeep kills for my last assignment unlock. I went on gulf of oman, got at least 7 jeep kills using the gun on it (as the russian team) and none of it counted :S

What am I doing wrong?

Wrong jeep. I made that mistake. There are VPV and DPV jeeps on that map. I think I racked up 10 VPV kills before I spotted there were two types of jeep.:o
Players are dropping BC3..I mean BF3 :o fast on PC, I can't see this abomination of a DLC bringing players back. Come Winter and the biggest map ever DLC release ' big map with playing area clustered to middle of map ' this game will be on its last legs. Enter BC3 to go head to head with black ops 2, really battlefield as we know it is dead, all it is now is shallow, dumbed down shooter designed for consoles.

Wrong jeep. I made that mistake. There are VPV and DPV jeeps on that map. I think I racked up 10 VPV kills before I spotted there were two types of jeep.:o

Which is it? Run them over or can I gun them down?
BC 2 is far better than BF 3 in its current state, especially for teamwork. In BC 2 I actually got revived A LOT and supplied with ammo etc. where as with BF 3, the number of assault people that run past me and don't bother reviving/dropping medic kits and the support class dropping ammo etc. is unbelievable.

The only map where you get revived etc. is on 64 player conquest metro :rolleyes:

Tried reviving a person recently? Sometime takes 6 times in the right angle before u revive someone, just to be shot in the ass the second after.

Battlefield 3 is about to die, and i wont get my paddles out.
Ignorant idiots.. ( yes im mad lol)
Saw the name of the next dlc and feel disappointed. Anything over 16 players on metro and I can't stand it, so am not looking forward to close quarters maps :(
Tried reviving a person recently? Sometime takes 6 times in the right angle before u revive someone, just to be shot in the ass the second after.

Yup, I have revived A LOT of people as well as supplying ammo and medic kits:


That is with about 70 hours of game play (assault has just got 1 star and support has nearly 2 stars) as well and no, metro is not the only map I play, very rarely play that and when I do play metro, I only play as recon, since it is the quickest way of unlocking all the stuff :p

I very rarely have that problem with revives and it only seems to occur when there is a ton of dead bodies around or the body is lying in an awkward position.

It annoys me when I get killed and the 5 assault players don't even attempt to revive me, I can see them as well just crouching or standing there (I play HC), same goes for dropping supplies and ammo packs as well, stand there shooting the ground, hitting q, typing in chat and they don't do anything :mad: and when in a tank, you ask the engineer to repair and even drive the tank right in front of them and they still don't bother........

BF3 Close quarters map revealed.


Thank god the moaning and bitching didn't come as a dlc:o. Honestly why do some still play this game? I'll buy the maps, enjoying the game as it is so far. Its not my fav bf game but its not the worst, bc2 is got the wooden spoon for me.
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