Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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No these look even worse than metro ??? how are you going to play rush or conquest on that ??

And its 3 months away ??

EPIC FAIL ill end up moving from this game as there really needs to be some dlc soon its already been 3 months since the last one....

What a build up and promise to bf3 then they do this ......

And like soem one said they already have MOH for the cod style shooter why dont they put these maps on that game

Just remake all the BF2 and bc2 maps i would be happy at that ............

Insted of this CR*P
No these look even worse than metro ??? how are you going to play rush or conquest on that ??

And its 3 months away ??

EPIC FAIL ill end up moving from this game as there really needs to be some dlc soon its already been 3 months since the last one....

What a build up and promise to bf3 then they do this ......

And like soem one said they already have MOH for the cod style shooter why dont they put these maps on that game

Just remake all the BF2 and bc2 maps i would be happy at that ............

Insted of this CR*P

I don't think you can, I think it'll be restricted to TDM 8vs8, not sure though. They're trying to be like COD (why?)
well im mega bored of the game now. June i wont even know what a BF3 is. October i will be old and unable to think quick enough for FPS.

this really aint good enough. just proves they must have been way behind schedule when this game was released.
I play a fair amount of BF3 so was interested about the DLC announcement. So disappointing. A rather shameless attempt to pull in the CoD crowd it seems. I want planes with bombs dammit!
So what is Recon supposed to do on close bum rush maps? What's the point of engineer? If I wanted these small maps with no vehicles I would play COD because that is what COD is good at. Why they don't play to Battlefields strengths I don't know. "oh yeah we know you guys like playing with jets and jeeps but we'll push you down this way anyway" The thing is we'll have these close quarter games and i'll die a bucket load because COD has ingrained in to my head that a knife will work 100% of the time. (it has done in CS, CS:S and COD before battlefield gave you the butter knife) This game would be awesome if it wasn't so ham fisted. Vehicle rpg hits are a joke along with m320 grenades and hand grenades.

Also what the flying hell is up with placing objects in this game? Does a tiny slope mean that I can't place my spawn beacon? Shall I get a bloody shovel and spirit level and make sure it's nicely landscaped before putting it down?
H E L P ! please :(

Guys I know that there is an issue concerning Origin and BF3 from the weekend. My issue is that I am on the current issue of origin ( but the game only loads up the battlelog server screen and as soon as the game itself is launched via origin, it crashes with a window recovery box appearing. I do notice that the origin version is called 'origin beta'.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am completely baffled :confused:
Can I join the 'Let's slate BF3 all the time because I think it is cool but at the same time rack up hundreds of hours on it because I have no life club'?
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Not played BF3 in like 3 months now, it's a shame.. i loved all the previous BF games and i own each and every BF game and expansion / DLC ever released. Too bad the series went downhill after the disappointment that was BC2.

Been playing Tribes and loving it so far, it's a refreshing change from the same old COD style FPS.
Yup, I have revived A LOT of people as well as supplying ammo and medic kits:


Whilst i salute you my friend for being a brave medic, im afraid you have a long way to go before you get called a totally cool medic dude. :p

10K revives, and im still hungry for moar. MOAR!

I like it! Do you know if there is possibly going to be a 'pay up front for all of them' kind of thing happening, as you may have alluded to this possibility before?

I shouldn't say, but yes, there will be. You'll save a bit of cash, plus there will be other benefits. No idea when it's all being announced though.

EDIT: At least, that was the case in January, it may have changed.
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